Page 128 of The Echo of Violence

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She pulls out her cell phone and takes a few photos of the room. “I can make this work easily. What else do we want for this room?”

“Storage for equipment like jump ropes, balance balls, weights, and yoga mats. I don’t think we’d need lockers or showers. The people using it will be living here, so they can go upstairs to use the facilities. But maybe some cubbyholes for towels and water bottles. I’d like an area for punching bags and sparring too. Many of the women coming through will have anger inside them that needs an outlet. The intensive therapy they will be receiving will probably exacerbate that.”

“You want a safe space for them to rage out.”

“Yeah. Where no one will judge them for losing their shit.”

“You’re doing a really good thing here.”

“Thanks. It’s both terrifying and exhilarating.”

“Most things worth doing are.”

The sound of paws running across the wooden floor makes me look over my shoulder just in time to see Toto barreling toward me.

“Holy fuck!” Reese curses as Toto stops right in front of me and barks.

“Hey, baby. Did you miss me?”

“You talking to me or the dog?”

I look up and smile at Knight, who is holding a bag of food in his hands.


He laughs before planting a kiss on my lips. He turns to Reese and nods. “Reese.”

“Knight. Good to see you again.”

It feels a little icy between these two, but I don’t get a chance to ask about it before Dulce and Mercy join us.

“Hey, Knight. You brought us food?”

“I did. Figured you might be hungry. I didn’t know Dulce and Reese were coming, but there should be plenty to go around. Hey, Dulce.”

“Hey, handsome.” She winks at him before dropping down to fuss with Toto. “Nobody told me you had a wolf.”

I laugh and shake my head. “He’s just a dog, I promise.”

“He’s huge. But a sweetheart, aren’t you?” she coos at him.

“Most people freak at his size.”

She shrugs before standing up. “Some of my friends have scary pets of their own.” She glances at Reese. “Like a lion and a crocodile.”

“Well, okay then. You win.”

She grins. “Trust me. They have nothing on my men.”

“And that’s my cue to leave. Ladies, as always, it’s been a pleasure.” Knight wraps his arm around me and kisses me soundly, to the hollers of the women, before disappearing with a wink.

“So, you and Knight, huh?” Dulce teases.

“And Eightball and Splinter,” Mercy throws out helpfully as she rummages through the bag, pulling out a sub and handing half to Reese.

“Welcome to the club.” Dulce smiles, and Mercy explains.

“They each have multiple partners too. Funny how it all worked out that way.”
