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“Nice to meet you. You guys been here before?”

“We’ve only recently discovered it, but it’s become one of our favorites. The salsa… Oh my God.” Mercy moans, making Nico chuckle and me grin.

“You sound like my girl here.”

“Your girl?” Knight huffs, eyeing the wedding band on his finger before moving to my bare hand.

The conversation dies down around us again.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” Nico snaps, not liking his tone.

“No problem, man, though you might want to ask your girl where she was last night and who she was with. I sure as fuck would want to know if it were my girl, bro.” He says bro so sarcastically that I want to punch him in the face and knock his teeth out.

“And we’re done here.” I stand up and shake my head. “Sorry, Mercy, but I can’t deal with the smell of asshole while I eat.”

Mercy glares at Knight. “No, I get it. I’ll admit I’m losing my appetite myself.”

“Cookie,” Scope cajoles, but Mercy shakes her head and stands.

“It’s fine, Scope. Let’s just go.”

“Oh, come on, Mercy. You really want to hang here with someone like her?” Knight laughs.

“Fuck,” I hiss as Nico stands.

“Someone like her?” he growls softly, a warning that everyone at the table hears and takes notice of.

“Shut the hell up, Knight,” Scope orders. He also stands, readying himself for a fight.

“What the fuck?”

I close my eyes at the sound of Rex’s voice, knowing this is going to turn into a shitshow if I don’t get a handle on it. Nobody is more protective of me than these two, and Knight is determined to push every single button they have.

“It’s fine, Rex. We were just leaving.”

“Why? These fuckers can leave.”

“Rex, chill. You’re not helping.” I look over at him, and even though he has two bags of food in his hands, I know he can pull his gun out and shoot within seconds.

“Look—” Knight starts, but I’m done.

I whip around and snarl at him. “You’re pathetic. This is why I chose a prospect over you. You think you’re God’s gift to women, and clearly, you’ve had too many fall on your dick to believe anything else. Newsflash, asshole: cocky, arrogant fuckboys are not my type. You’re pissed I didn’t pick you? Boo-fucking-hoo. Get over it. But you standing there tattling on me like an overgrown toddler trying to get me in trouble with my guys to get back at me… Seriously? Grow-up!” I tell him, and I swear I can see steam coming out of his ears.

“Wait, what?” Rex grumbles, and Nico fills him in.

“He struck out with our girl, so he’s pissed. He wanted to make sure I knew she was hanging out at their clubhouse and hooking up with a lowly prospect.”

“And how is it his business who she fucks?”

“It isn’t,” I answer firmly. Knight looks between Nico and Rex, his eyes dropping to Rex’s finger and his wedding band. I see understanding dawn a little too late.

“They’re not your men?”

“They’re not your business any more than I am. It was nice to meet you Mercy. Guys, let’s go.”

I carefully maneuver myself around the table so I don’t catch my leg and walk toward the truck.

“Hey, wait.” A hand on my arm triggers a reflex, and before I know what’s happening, Knight is tossed over my shoulder and flat on his back, looking up at me.
