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He stares at me in shock as I hear Mercy’s startled laugh.

I let my distaste for the man show in my grimace. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty because, with your winning personality, it’s a miracle you get laid at all.”

I walk away, passing another couple of bikers. One I recall talking to last night and the other is the guy that narrowly escaped getting squished by my car, but I’m too pissed to give them any attention. Instead, I march back to the truck and wait for the guys.



“We’ve got no beef with you. Knight’s just got it bad for your girl. It’s not an excuse, but he’s not usually this much of a dick,” Scope tells one of the two guys staring him down.

“Just keep him away from her,” the taller of them says before turning and walking away without even looking at Eightball or me.

“What the hell did we miss?”

Knight groans and gets to his feet.

“We can’t take this asshole anywhere.” Eightball sighs, stepping up beside Scope and crossing his arms.

The tattooed guy in front of us with bags of food in his hand might be alone, but he sure as hell doesn’t look intimidated.

“She still seeing the prospect? We can’t get hold of him,” Scope asks him.

“I’m her brother, not her keeper. But from what I understand, the asshole bailed on her before he even got her home.” He looks around the table, his eyes falling on Knight. “And to think, I told her to take a chance. Looks like she dodged a bullet.” He turns and walks away without a backward glance.

“They from another club? I don’t see any colors.”

“No, they were just minding their business like we should have been,” Mercy grumbles.

“Mercy,” Scope warns her.

She shakes her head. “Forget it. Who needs friends anyway, right?” She walks away, moving toward Scope’s bike.

“Mercy!” he yells. She ignores him, making him snarl, his attention split between his woman and Knight. “You want to tell me what the fuck that was all about?”

“She’s the woman who—”

Scope cuts me off. “I know who she is. What I want to know is why the fuck would you go off on her like a bull in a fucking china shop? If you were planning on seducing her to find out if she is a plant or not, you just shot yourself in the foot spouting off all that shit.”

Knight just shakes his head.

“You fucked up. That woman ain’t giving you the time of day now.”

“I know. I’ll fix it.”

“No, you won’t. You’ll stay the hell away from her. Splinter, you and Eightball can take the lead on this. Find something on her and bring her in, or clear her name and leave her alone. Knight here can fill you in on all the details since he seems to know so fucking much.” Scope storms off after Mercy.

I turn back to look at Knight. “Okay, you better start at the fucking beginning.”

With a reluctant sigh, Knight sits down and lays out everything that happened and their suspicions about the redhead.

“I’ll say there is no love lost between you two, but what could she possibly have against the club? I was right beside her, Knight. I didn’t see her slip you anything. And trust me, I was paying close attention.”

He looks at me, then a frown mars his face.

“What? She’s fucking hot, and this ain’t the playground. You don’t get to call dibs unless you’re willing to put a property patch on her back.”

“She’s more likely to set fire to you before that ever happens,” Eightball jokes.
