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Kate gets everything ready while I distract him, his eyes narrow on me with anger.

“I bet that’s a line you’ve used on a few ladies before, huh?”

He frowns, going over my words before he realizes I’m referring to the little prick comment. “Hey! There is nothing little about the size of my cock.”

Kate moves his arm into place and pulls the gauze away. Knight turns to look at her, but I cup his jaw and turn his attention back to me.

“And here was me thinking the only thing big about you is your ego.”

Mercy laughs, but I keep my eyes on Knight’s. He grips the bed rail with his free hand and squeezes it so hard that his knuckles turn white.

“Now you’ll feel just a slight pinch…”

His eyes open wide, and I just know he’s about to throw her across the room, so I do the only thing I can think of. I dip my head and slam my lips down over his.

He jolts, and I don’t know if that’s from the needle going into his arm or from the shock of my move. After a moment or two, the hand that was clamped onto the bed in a death grip moves up to grab a handful of hair and anchor me in place.

It might have started as a way to distract the man, but once his tongue starts dueling with mine, everyone else in the room disappears. I whimper into his mouth as he takes control, claiming me as if he owns me—right here in the middle of a damn hospital. And I’m helpless to stop him. I fight the urge to pull back, conscious enough to know I’m the only shot Kate has of getting his arm stitched up.

I don’t know how long we kiss, but when I feel someone tapping on my arm, I pull away. My lips tingle as if they have been stung.

“All done. I have to say I’ve never used that approach before, but it worked remarkably well.” Kate snickers as she heads out of the cubicle.

Knight stares at me before his eyes dart around the room as if he’s just remembering where he is. “It’s done?” he asks Mercy, then looks down at his bandaged arm, then back up to her.

I turn to look at her and see a wide grin on her face. “Yep, all done. You know the drill. Don’t get them wet, blah, blah, but otherwise, you’re good to go. She’s just going to get the antibiotics for you.”

Wow, I really did lose track of everything there. That’s not like me at all. I take a step back out of arm’s reach. “Well, my work here is done.”

“Wait! Um, do you still want to hang out with me—at the clubhouse?”

My first instinct is to say no. I need to shut this down now and walk away. The problem, though, is that the look on her face is so damn hopeful that it makes me hesitate.

I like her. There is something about her that makes me know she would be a good friend to have—a loyal one.

Jesus fuck, this is such a bad idea.

“Sure, for a little while.”

“Really? Awesome.” She looks so relieved that it makes me frown. What is up with this chick? She’s smart and pretty, and yet she looks like she needs a hug so fucking bad that it’s breaking my heart.

“I have a couple of things I need to do real quick. Can I meet you there in, say, an hour?”

“Yeah, of course. That would be great.”

I nod before looking over at Knight, who is watching me keenly. From the way his heated gaze is moving over my body, I have no doubt he’s thrilled with the fact that I’ll be heading into his territory. He probably thinks he can snap his fingers and my panties will disappear. I wonder if he’ll feel the same way when he finds out I’ve slept with one of his brothers.

I feel my skin flush at the thought of facing the man I effectively ran from, but I shake it off. He probably doesn’t even remember me. And if he has an issue, well, I can always leave. I have nothing to be ashamed of. After all, he offered me a fuck, not a ring.



I ignore Boomer’s complaining and think about the kiss with the woman I want to both fuck and kill right now. I’ve been having sex for more years than I can count, but I can’t remember the last time a woman managed to draw such a reaction from me and so fast. Maybe it was the drugs. Yeah, it had to be. Because if not, I’m fucked, and I don’t mean in a fun way. I like women in all shapes, colors, and sizes. I even like the idea of settling down with one, but at no point was I ever considering letting my heart get involved.

Something tells me holding myself at a distance from Jinx would be impossible.

“You okay back there?”
