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Eventually, Nelson drifted off and found himself in a forest, surrounded by smoke and freezing. But he wasn’t on the trampled path and he couldn’t see the clearing, the antlers, or the torches. The woods around him were denser yet bare, gnarled branches closed in around him and blocked out the moon.

A loud wind whipped at the trees, making them shake and branches scraped at Nelson’s sleeves as he pushed his way through, fighting tree limbs and against the wind. Smoke burned his eyes and his face stung.

Nelson held up a hand to shield his eyes, listening through the drums and the howling gusts that threatened to knock him off his feet. He couldn’t see where he was going but he could hear himself and Nox, their primal cries and delirious moans beckoning him.

Come back to me, Uaithne.

“I can’t!” Nelson shouted into the dark, his lips and face aching from the cold.

He trudged forward, then stopped and turned when he heard their cries coming from behind him. He stumbled toward them and fell, sinking into the cold, soggy earth. It stuck to his hands and knees, sucking them back into the dirt and leaves every time he lurched forward. His hand slipped and pushed deep into the soil and he crashed to a halt, twigs and detritus smashing against his cheek as he sobbed.

Nelson came awake in his hallway, stretched out and shaking as he reached for the front door. The smell of dirt and smoke was still strong and he could hear the echoes of the drums and their animalistic moans. His arms and legs trembled as he heaved himself up and back down the hall and into the shower.

Half an hour later, Nelson was dressed, staring at his haggard reflection in the bathroom. He’d done his best to shave, but the underside of his jaw and neck were covered in cuts and his cheeks looked burnt. He wasn’t entirely sure that it was all from his clumsiness and squinted at the mirror. There was a scratch on his chin that looked like it might have been created by a branch and some of the redness may have been from the wind and cold.

Come back to me, Uaithne.

Nelson’s head hung and he nodded, resigned. It was a little after 4 AM. He had suffered through the night and most of the morning so he gave himself permission to throw in the towel and head back to Nox’s with his tail between his legs.

As he had feared, the throbbing in his soul receded as Nelson drove into Georgetown. He was no longer sweating and ready to jump out of his skin when he parked the Continental in front of Nox’s house and shut off the engine. He deflated in relief, hugging the steering wheel as he savored the near silence and stared at Nox’s front door.

Nelson didn’t know what it meant or if he’d have to follow Nox around for the rest of his life, but he’d found the remedy, at least. There was still a faint icky, nauseous ache in his core and Nelson felt slightly anxious, but he could hear himself think again. He let out a long sigh and sat back, closing his eyes and scooting lower in his seat to get comfortable.

Come to me, Uaithne.

“For fuck’s sake! You’re right over there!” He spat as he flung his hand in the direction of Nox’s house. “Fine,” Nelson groaned, heaving his door open as he got out of the car.


Nelson was a beast in Nox’s dream.

Ravenous and wild. He devoured Nox with desperate, starving kisses and brutal bites as his nails dug into his skin, creating delicious flecks of pain. Nelson growled and chanted Nox’s name as his hips pumped hard and swiftly, stroke after powerful stroke hurling them toward ecstasy.

He thought he had gotten it all out of his system in the bathtub before going to bed. Nox had fingered his ass roughly, jamming three fingers into his hole as he tugged at his cock, imagining he was riding Nelson hell-for-leather in the study. It had been touch-and-go for a few moments, with Nelson calling as Nox was ascending the peak. But once he was fully back into his fantasy, Nox was enthralled and so turned on, he thought he might have felt the water getting hotter and begin to simmer around him.

The heat and the pleasure were intense as Nelson’s hands gripped tight around his ass and he drove into Nox at a blistering pace, filling him with endless, pounding thrusts. Nox came with a shredded cry, eyes rolling and back arching as his head lolled on the edge of the tub.

That hadn’t been enough, apparently, because Nelson had followed Nox into his dreams. He held Nox down and lapped at his hole and sucked his cock with greedy abandon. They clawed at each other’s backs and thighs and their limbs tangled until Nox awoke, hard and ready. He reached over the side of the mattress and found the little black bag he kept under his bed for his favorite vibrator and the lube.

Every man had his demons. Nox was convinced all of his resided in his ass because he rarely swore except when he was getting dicked down good and hard. He was rough with himself, drilling deep and grinding against his prostate until he heard harps and started speaking in tongues.

He was a giggling, sticky mess when he stumbled into the shower and he sang an aria as he lathered himself in his favorite juniper, bergamot, and citrus body wash. Uplifted and invigorated, Nox hummed as he brushed his teeth, deciding he looked good with a light beard. He was finally achieving even coverage and no longer looked like he had dirt smeared on his face.

Instead of jeans, Nox hopped into a pair of tight gray trousers. He paired them with a long-sleeved Led Zeppelin T-shirt, a purple velvet vest, and one of his nicer blazers. Those conscious and unconscious hours of pleasure felt like a gift or blessing in the midst of all the horror and grief. They had recharged Nox and he was whistling to himself and skipping down the stairs when he spotted a flash of shiny black on the other side of the brick wall out front. He went to the door and checked the window, frowning when he confirmed that it was indeed Nelson’s car parked out front.

“He’s here really early,” he noted, glancing at the grandfather clock. It wasn’t even 7:00 AM. Nox unlocked the door and swung it open, then yelped when Nelson rolled over the threshold. “What in the—?”

“I’m awake!” Nelson slurred as he scrambled up, using the door jamb to pull himself to his feet. His suit was rumpled and his hair was in tufts as he ground the heel of his palm into his eye socket.

“Did you sleep there?”

“Just for…” Nelson pushed back his sleeve and raised his wrist so he could squint at it with bloodshot eyes. “Almost three hours.”

“Three—?” Nox snatched Nelson’s sleeve and yanked him into the house. It was freezing out and Nox could tell by Nelson’s red nose and rigid frame that he’d been shivering and huddled on the stoop the entire time. “Why didn’t you ring the bell or call?”

“I didn’t want to bother you again or wake you up.”

“Nelson!” Nox shouted angrily. “You should have! You’re a wreck and you’re going to make yourself sick.” He dragged him along and pushed the kitchen door open, shoving Nelson at the work table and the closest stool. “Sit down,” he ordered.
