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A murderer’s hands?

I laugh at the memory, at the silliness of it all now.

Knox Reyes is intimidating but he isn’t a murderer.

It’s funny to think Knox could be a killer, yet, I know I’m not the only one who can feel the threatening essence of his presence at times.

Do I really know the real Knox?

Does anyone?

I give Delores a quick wave and a small smile.

“Hi.” Delores beams. She must only be about six years old. All long limbs and hopeful smiles.

Pure. Good. Happy.

With everything my mother's put me through, she's something that's hard for me to really relate to. Even if I pretend to.

“Hey.” I’m careful not to step in her dirt pile that’s dug from perfect green grass.

Her mom’s going to be pissed.

I crouch near her so we can be eye level. “Is Damon around?”

She snorts. “Yeah playing his stupid video games in his man cave.” The mockery of her tone isn't hidden and I can't help the upward pull of my lips.

Her tone is the whole boys are dumb, girls rule and boys drool. Oh, sweet child, just wait until those hormones hit you and you’ll be singing a different tune, I promise.

My eyes roam over their home. This house is so much less menacing than the one I’m staying in. It’s all white siding and brightly blooming flowers pouring out of rustic wooden boxes. Cozy. It’s one of the biggest houses I’ve ever seen in person but much more homey than Knox’s place. Like a cottage but on steroids.

“Would you get him for me, please?” the formalities of this life were the first thing I picked up. In public, the rich are painfully kind.

In private, that's another story.

“Yeah, but he isn’t going to be happy. I’m going to interrupt his kill streak.” Delores pouts slightly but stands up and dusts off the hem of her summer dress.

I give her dress a couple of pats myself trying to get as much off of her as I can. Her lips quirk up and I can see how much she likes me in the little bright eyed smile she shows me.

Hell, she probably likes me more than she likes Damon.

“Wait,” I call after her.

Her mousey brown hair lifts in the breeze made by her momentum as she twirls back around to me. I pass her another uncertain look and purse my lips. With one finger I beckon her closer. As soon as she’s within reaching distance I lick my thumb and rub away the dirt from her cheek.

“Ew!” She giggles, pushing me away.

“Can’t get caught looking like a mess or you’ll be grounded yet again.”

This is the worst thing their kids can do: embarrass their parents with a smudge on their perfection.

You see, it's not just Knox who hides his real self away. This entire damn suburb is a fortress of fakeness.

I’m sure Mournmount Academy will be exactly the same.

“I know, I know.” Delores rolls her big eyes but the goofy grin of hers still rests on her lips.

Alone outside their house, I find myself tapping my foot impatiently. Seriously, my V-card isn’t going to lose itself. My fingers twitch as I do the math in my head. We likely don’t have too long before Reed is out of football practice where Knox is tagging along. It will take them a minute before they get home though because they’ll swing by the library to pick up Landon.
