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“I’m nervous.”

“I can tell by the way you’re hiding your body from me. It will take time, but we will work you through that in time.”

“We will?”

“Definitely, but for now. I’m going to ask you to relax and just let me make you feel good.”

“I’ll try, but just saying, that might not be easy. I’ve been dreaming about this for a while. I don’t want to disappoint you.”

He leans down and kisses my forehead. My eyelids feel heavy and as they flutter closed, he kisses those too. I feel the tip of his nose brush across my cheek and then to my ear. His lips caress the shell of my ear as he speaks. “That is something you will never do, Ena. Never, you’re a shining star and your light is the brightest thing in my life. You’re clean, pure, and priceless. Hell, you shine so bright, I’m starting to think you can heal the darkness inside of me.”

“I don’t think you’re dark. I think you’re beautiful.” Don’t ask me why I said that. It’s just there’s this expression on his face that makes me believe he’s in pain. I want to fix it, erase the hurt that is shadowed in his beautiful eyes.

“I’m not, but you make me want to make sure that all you know is beauty and that begins now.”

He begins kissing along my neck, his teeth raking against my skin. I keep my eyes closed, getting lost in the sensations that are bombarding me one after another. My legs and hips move restlessly against the bed as I can feel something building inside of me that I don’t truly understand. I mean, I know. I’m eighteen, but I don’t truly know. I’ve been sheltered and locked away in an all-girl’s school.

When his lips brush against my arm, I don’t mean to, but I stiffen.

“Shh, it’s okay,” he purrs, dragging his lips gently over me until he reaches the back of my hand.

I can feel his lips and the tip of his tongue slide against my skin. His hot breath tickles against my cleavage. Every now and then his lips brush against the exposed swell of my breasts, as he moves along a previously unknown path. He’s teasing me, I know. My breath is coming in uneven puffs of air that I have to force from my lungs. My body feels like I’m walking on a tightrope.

“Marco,” I cry as I feel him sucking one of my fingers into his mouth, his rough, calloused hand flattening out against my stomach. His tongue swirls around my finger as he releases it. My hips push up toward him as I feel the tip of his finger brush along the waistband of my panties. His other hand captures my wrist as he pulls my hand away, completely exposing my breasts to him.

“Don’t hide yourself from me, Ena. Trust me when I tell you sweetheart, I want every inch of you.”

His words are spoken so somberly that I don’t even question. I force my body to relax and the smile on his beautiful lips is more than enough reward.

“That’s my good girl.” I bite my lip because I love that. I find I want to be his good girl. I need it. “You are, too, aren’t you, Helena?”

“Yes,” I answer at once.

He shakes his head. “Remember the lesson earlier, Ena. Answer me like I need you to.”

I try to remember. I swear I do, but all I can think about is the feel of his fingers brushing along the side of my neck, his warm breath against my ear and the way the cooler air in the room sends awareness through me, raising goosebumps across my skin and teasing my nipples. I can’t keep my eyes open. I’m overwhelmed, drowning in sensations. They snap open immediately though when I feel the rough pads of his thumb and finger wrap around my nipple and pinch it.

I cry out, the sharp pain zapping through me and the cry finishes into a moan as my hips begin to rock.

“You have to remember what I teach you, Ena. It’s important. I’m showing you what I like—just like your body is going to show me exactly what you like.” His words feel wicked as his breath tickles my nipple and another whimper escapes. He leans in yet again, his fine, manicured beard tickling my skin and this time my entire body arches as I push my breasts out towards him. “Daddy.”

It's one word, but it makes my eyes open and go wide as I look up at him. The intensity on his face brands me, marking me in a way that I don’t think I’ll ever recover. I don’t think it matters, because as long as this man is mine, I’ll never want to.

I’ve lost track of what he’s saying, but instinctively I know what he’s asking of me, and I want to give it to him. No. That’s not it. I need to.
