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“Please, Daddy.”

I don’t know what I’m begging for, I just know I need it.

“Fuck,” I hear him hiss and then his mouth is on me, sucking on my nipple, drawing it in his mouth.

It’s good. It’s so spectacular that it’s mind blowing. Of their own volition, my hands slide up to capture his head and pull him closer, intent on doing nothing more than keeping his mouth on my breasts. He lets out a growl, pulling away just as my fingers try to curl into his hair. He stands up and I can see the desire on his face. It’d be impossible to miss. Marco’s eyes capture mine as his hand moves up to undo his tie. I start to get worried and bring my hands down, but he immediately shakes his head.

“Don’t you dare,” he orders.

I stop moving. “Okay.”

Briefly I wonder if I kept the sound of panic out of my voice. My heart seems to be pounding so loudly that I have no idea. That only gets worse when Marco takes one of his hands and wraps his fingers around both of my wrists, using that hold to yank my hands up over my head.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“I can’t let you touch me. I want you too much. I have to carefully control what happens here. If I don’t, I will claim you completely and I’m not free to do that yet.”

“Oh,” I respond. “Will you always, I mean…” I trail off because I’m not sure what I want to ask.

“Lesson number two, Ena. For me, you calling me Daddy isn’t for shits and giggles. It’s not so much a kink as it is just who I am. I need complete control in the bedroom. I’ve spent too much of my fucking life without it. You are mine, you wanted that and now, baby, what you need to understand is I want it too. This means, you will give this to me. You will give yourself over to me, feel safe in doing that and know that I will always give you what you need, too. So, to answer your question, yes. You can touch me, but it will be when I let you.”

He explains all this while wrapping his tie around my wrists and tying me to the post on my headboard. I can’t say I’m scared. If anything, I’m more turned on. Still, there are things I don’t completely understand. I bite my bottom lip, worrying it as I decide if I should ask my questions.

“Ask, baby,” he encourages as if he knows exactly what I’m asking.

“Do you expect me to call… I mean, outside um, around people do I—”

“No, baby. You can be who you are outside our bedroom. What we do is just between us, and it will stay that way. I’m a private person. Although, being who I am, I’m still going to be a man you need to listen to in public. I will protect you at all costs—even from yourself. It is who I am.”

I don’t tell him that some of this I already knew. It would probably piss him off that Melina heard him messing around with one of the staff at their home. She told me about it and I’m pretty sure she did that to try and talk me out of asking my father to offer me in marriage to Marco. She didn’t discourage me. If anything, it made me want him more. Melina didn’t mention her brother liked to be called Daddy. We were young and more naïve than should be legal, so maybe she just didn’t realize. She did say she could hear Marco spanking the woman and punishing her. It scared Melina. It excited me.

All thoughts are gone when Marco is done with the question-and-answer portion of tonight. I know this because his hands are at my hips, his touch nearly branding me as he holds my thighs.

“Princess?” he asks, and I hear the laughter in his voice, and I want to die. Shit!


Okay, I know I used that word-non-word again. In my defense, it’s hard to use real words when you realize that you are about to finally get your fiancé to give you an orgasm. Add to it that not only are you not wearing sexy underwear and, on your period, but instead, you’re wearing your hot pink panties that your best friend got you as a joke. They’re comfortable sure. Plus, they’re thicker on the bottom in case the tampon lets me down. They also have a glittery white crown on them and underneath that are the words, “Princess Panties.”

Yes, I’m wearing my princess panties made for when you’re on your period. Shoot me now.

“I like that,” he murmurs, not realizing that while he’s staring at my panties, I’m dying of embarrassment and will probably explode into a cloud of dust soon.
