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“There’s a clause in the contract. My father can agree to terminate it at any time if he feels that said marriage is detrimental to my health.”

“Jesus, Ena. What are you planning on doing, lying to George and tell him that I hit you? That I leave you in fear of your life? I won’t have it. You go spreading that shit on me, baby, you won’t like how I retaliate. After the fucked-up shit that’s finally coming out about my father, I won’t allow anyone to think that he and I are cut from the same cloth.”

Her face goes white as she takes a couple steps away from me. She begins shaking her head.

“I would never do something like that, Marco,” she whispers. “This just proves that you don’t know me at all.”

“And you don’t know me. That is why you are here. It’s time, Helena. Hell, it’s past time. We need to see what is between us. You said you chose me. You orchestrated all of this when you were sixteen. I did not. Yet, I’m here and I will admit that I want you. So, this is going to happen.”

“If I disagree?”

I shrug.

“I’ll stay for a week. If I don’t see any changes, then I will speak to my father and this contract will be voided.”

“The contract will stand,” I counter.

“I realize you may be getting drunk on power, what with your new position and all, but even you don’t have the power to make me change my mind on this, Marco.”

I stand up and walk over to her. Her eyes dilate and she takes a step back before she can stop herself. I watch her reaction with a mild curiosity. She really doesn’t know me. I’d never raise my hand to her, I would simply get her agreement in other, much more pleasure-filled endeavors. She’ll learn.

I reach out, flattening my hand against the inside of her neck and use that hold to pull her to me. She stumbles a couple of steps against the marbled floor, but as her body careens into mine, I take her weight and steady her. “You want me, Ena. You can’t deny that.”

“I can. It has been two years since you touched me, Marco. How pathetic would I have to be to still want a man who so easily forgets my existence?”

“I never forgot you, baby. There’s not a man alive who could forget you.”

Her breath hitches in her chest. It’s the most positive sign I’ve seen from her, and it’s definitely welcomed. “M…” She stops, moistens her lips by rubbing them together, then takes a shaky breath and starts again. “Marco, there has to be more to a relationship than attraction.”

“In time, there will be.”

“I don’t think you understand. I want a man who cares about me.”

“If you don’t think I care, Ena, you haven’t been paying attention.”

She sighs. When she looks back up at me. Her blue eyes look troubled. I have no way of knowing what she’s thinking but there’s a war going on inside that pretty head of hers.

“I’ll stay a week,” she mumbles, but it’s clear she’s agreeing grudgingly.

I lean down and kiss her forehead. “We will have dinner in Athens tonight, just the two of us. I need a break from this damn house, and I would like to talk to you without my brothers’ prying ears close by.”

“I’d like that, too.”

“Good. Be ready at six and I’ll meet you downstairs in the foyer.”


I give her a squeeze and then release her, stepping back. She turns to leave, taking a couple steps before she stops and turns back to look at me.

“Helena?” I prompt when she just continues to stare but says nothing.

“Right now, I don’t like you very much, Marco.”


“Like not at all, mostly,” she adds. I snap my mouth shut and wait. There’s not much I can say anyway. “Still, I think you should know, you’re nothing like him.” My body grows tight and still, I say nothing. “He was a monster. You, on the other hand, have spent your life trying to protect your family. You’re nothing like him.”


Her face is flushed with embarrassment and she’s trying to avoid my eyes. “I’ll be ready at six,” she whispers and then walks away.

I let her go because I’m not sure what to say anyway, except to tell her she’s wrong.

I am a monster. I’m just planning on keeping that hidden from her.

Chapter 11


I look at the mirror again and can’t stop my panic. I’m going to dinner alone with Marco tonight. Finally, after all this time, we’re doing something normal—something all couples do. Sure, it’s just dinner, but it means more than that to me. I’m still not entirely convinced that I shouldn’t just head home tonight and leave Marco in my past. In fact, that might be the smartest thing I ever do. I haven’t done that, because even though I gave up on Marco, there’s this hope inside of me that says I’m wrong.
