Page 70 of Devil Within

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“Please don’t get any of your hopes up, this is simply a test trial,” she says, but she also can’t stop herself from grinning. “By the way, this looks and smells divine.”

“It took like five minutes.” I slice a Pita bread in half, before opening the fluffy insides with my fingers and then I stuff the bread with some of the kale and apple salad.

“By the way, do you know what happened to Ryan yet?” Lex asks.

“No. He’s not saying anything, so they’re thinking it might have been a suicide attempt,” I tell Lex.

Her eyes go wide. “What? No way.”

I nod and shrug. “It’s hard to believe. But then again, I feel bad in a way. What if it is true and he really did try to, you know, end it?”

“No.” Lex shakes her head. “It was in no way your fault, so even if he did try that, it couldn’t be because of you. You can’t blame yourself over shit that you didn’t do.”

“Thanks, Lex.” I give her a small smile and she reaches out and squeezes my hand reassuringly.

Before we both dig in, I open our cokes and hand Lex a can. When I take a bite of my sandwich, I can feel the crunch and sweetness from the apple flood my mouth.

“This is amazing,” Lex says as she takes a bite of hers.

“Thanks.” I swallow. “Hopefully, I can get an email back from those publishers for my internship. How are things with you and that play that you’re supposed to be cast in?”

“Don’t even get me started. They frigging changed my lines so many times and now I have to have a twin sister who’s supposed to be evil, but not,” she complains, with stuffed cheeks. “I really don’t know why I bother sometimes. I should have just stuck to med school like dad or psychology like mom, I would have survived. Audrey and Marilyn would have understood how hard it is for a struggling actress like me to survive out here.”

I roll my eyes because she’s being dramatic again. “You’ll survive, Lex.”

We spend the rest of the evening watching The Witcher and gorging on Pita bread and salad. It’s the perfect girls night.


The Hampton Bays


It’s Saturday and Janelle Monáe’s,Screwed,is blasting from my headphones while I busy pack my bag. Lex already left an hour ago with Kyle to Staten Island and I feel sad that we can’t spend Spring Break together.

Hudson texted me earlier that morning to tell me that we are going to Hampton Bays and when I Googled the distance from Manhattan it showed one hour and twenty minutes.

So I am slightly nervous about being with Hudson in the car for an hour drive, especially since I don’t know what to expect for the week ahead.

I’m wearing a dusty pink, spaghetti strap, tie front camisole and shorts and I pair it with my white Vans which will be the only pair of closed shoes that I’ll take for the week ahead.

I pack a few light t-shirts and shorts along with some pretty summer dresses. As for nightwear, I choose to be brave and pack some daring lacy lingerie that I hadn’t yet tried on. I also carry a few books with me, because I plan on finishing them if I find myself retreating into my cocoon during Spring Break.

I’m almost done when I remember that I forgot to pack any swimwear, so I grab the tangle of bikinis I have in my closet and stuff them all into my bag.

Finally, I’m done. I flop down on the couch and wait for about twenty minutes before my phone pings.

It’s 8:38 a.m., I realise as I open the text from Hudson telling me that he is outside.

Taking a deep, nervous breath, I grab my bag and check the apartment one last time to see if all the windows are shut and when I’m done, I leave the apartment and throw the keys into my bag.

I take the rickety elevator down, glad that I won’t have to see its four ugly walls for one whole week.

When I reach the bottom and the steel doors open to the foyer, I’m suddenly feeling extremely anxious.Is this a good idea?I ask myself, but there seems to be radio static instead of the usual reply.

My fingers tighten against the straps of my bag as I walk out through the doors and Hudson’s black Mustang is there, gleaming in the early morning sun.

As I walk over to the car, the door swings open and I see him sitting inside. He’s wearing an untucked black shirt today with the first few buttons open that make him look insanely hot, and a pair of tan pants on.
