Page 65 of Orchestrated Love

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Jax chuckled. “I plead the Fifth.” His smile widened when Noah reached over to kiss his lips, slipping him some tongue.“Shower?”

Noah nodded. “Otherwise, we’ll really be joined atthe hip.”

Jax laughed, and they rose from the floor. Would sex with Noah always be this much fun? It went without saying that it would always be this hot and heavy, sparking and snapping fire at every turn. But he’d never laughed during and after sex until Noah came along. This kind of lovemaking would always have his seal ofapproval.

Morning came much too soon, despite Jax’s best efforts to hang onto the bliss. He’d taken Noah again before they went to bed, and now, after two messy, fiery blowjobs, they were showering again. Noah was in a guest bathroom because they already knew if they washed up together, they’d never make it out on time, and Jax had to be in a meeting by nine.

In the kitchen, Noah eyed Jax up and down as they sipped coffee and munched on bagels and cream cheese.

“You look hot as hell, Prof!” he said, licking his lips as though Jax were a treat he’d just been enjoying. “I couldhit that.”

Jax laughed. “You’re ridiculous.” He liked that Noah found him attractive. He wasn’t a vain man,but he was still eleven years older than his lover, and his ego would never refuse the boost that Noah’s words offered.

“When will I see you again?” Time to focus on more important matters.

“My dad and I are getting the house ready for the winter regulars, so I’m having to figure out where I’ll live at the end of the month. I gave up my apartment when the lease ran out five months ago.”

Two emotions warred in Jax. The despair that Noah must have felt to do what he’d done hurt Jax’s heart, but the counterbalancing spurt of excitement at the opportunity it opened up for him was equally undeniable. He hadn’t really given much thought as to when he’d ask Noah to move in with him, but it seemed the Fates wanted it to be now, at this moment, an hour before he reported for duty at his new job. He swallowed the last of his coffee and inhaled deeply, breathing a silent prayer that Noah would be receptive. He didn’t want him thinking this was Jax feeling sorry for him.

“About that, what do you think about movingin here?”

There … he’d posed it as a suggestion, not a request. He hoped Noah would think quickly, but he wouldn’t say that aloud. Noah’s smile gave him hope, but he tamped it down. He’d wait to hear the words before he went there.

“Anyway, I need to get a move on. Meeting’s at nine and I don’t know how parking goes on the first day or whether I’ll even be able to park close to where my office is. Lots of first day things to get through before then.” He reached for Noah, brushing his lips gently with his own. “I hate to rush away, babe, but it’s time. Text me when you’re on the way, okay?”

“What about the spare keys?”

“Keep them till I see you again. I have my own.”

They parted at the front door, kissing as if their lives depended on retaining each other’s flavor. Jax eyed Noah one more time, dressed only in an open robe and a pair of pale blue boxers, his half-hard cock tenting the thin material just enough to be noticeable. He dragged his gaze back up to his lover’s eyes.

“I’ll call you later?” Noah’s words were a question, but his eyes were hot with promise.

“Can’t wait. But text me when you leave.”

Chapter 21


It felt good to be so in sync.

This first day was going to be odd. Jax already knew that. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a first day of work, and back then, it had been in a big city university with as stellar a reputation as the one he was starting in now, but with nothing like the support he had already experienced here. Happy to find a spot in front of the building that housed the department and his office, he hurried in, dropped his bag and pulled his tablet from it, then made his way to the auditorium where he’d been told the faculty meeting would be held.

“Ah, Jax, goodmorning!”

Elise’s cheerful voice warmed him as he stepped through the door, already buzzing with the voices of his colleagues.

“Good morning, Elise.”

“Help yourself to whatever you need.” She gestured to a table laden with food. “The bigwigs will be starting in about tenminutes.”

She handed him a paper agenda, and he managed not to raise his brows in surprise. In this day of PowerPoint presentations, who dealt in paper anymore? He got himself another cup of joe, thinking that for all future meetings, he’d bring his own mug so he could keep the drink hot. Then he took a seat in the section where it seemed the music department were all gathered and waited.

The meeting was like all first of the year faculty meetings. There was the usual welcome back, the introductions of new faculty members—“Dr. Knox, we’re beyond thrilled to have you join our staff!”—and the reminders about things like holidays, campus-wide activities and the like. Then came the business of reviewing opportunities for working in the community, which departments would have to vote on, and research grants that the college was considering applying for. Staff were invited to reach out if they were interested.

The roster of speakers for learned events was also discussed, and they were informed that there were still two spots open if any faculty member was interested in filling the gap. Jax took note of when they were and once the meeting was over, he found his boss and asked for more details about each event.

“Walk with me please, Jax. The president of the college has invited the heads of department for lunch, and I have some things I need to do before then.”
