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Slices of kisses and sighs, slivers of passion;

They clutch at her hair like cobwebs, entangling.

Like flowers that soak up the rain and the sun,

Vowels and consonants line themselves in rows,

Reach up to the light, spread themselves, unfurl.

She picks them, strings them together like pearls

to lay around her neck, sew them on her clothes,

Let you unbutton them, leave her undone.

Wedding vows are a solemn, binding promise,

A token of time, inscribed on the heart,

A brand, a seal, unique as a snowflake,

An oath that only you and she could make,

To bind you both forever, never to part,

Signed and sealed with a loving kiss.”

He finishes and gives a boyish smile to the guests, who instantly break out into a round of applause. Belle watches him return to his seat, then glances at me, widening her eyes and giving me a ‘I never guessed he’d do that’ kind of look.

After this, Tyson and Gaby stand again, and it’s time for them to take their vows. They turn and hold hands, while they read out the vows they have written themselves. Gaby talks about how much she loves him, and how she’s excited to spend the rest of her life with him. I’ve known her as long as I’ve known Alex and Belle, obviously, and I find it incredibly touching to hear her honest declaration of love.

When Tyson talks, though, there’s not a dry eye in the house. Still standing, holding her hands, he tells her how touched he is that she’s stood by him all these years. How he can’t believe she’s done that when he knows he’s been hard to live with. He says he’s been working hard to get his mobility back, and that he’s going to continue with his physio because he wants to be a good dad to all the children he’s convinced they’re going to have. And now Gaby’s crying for real, and the ceremony has to stop for her to compose herself.

“Jesus,” I mumble to Henry, who’s sitting next to me. “I’m going to be bawling like a baby if they don’t get a move on.”

He chuckles. “It must be moving if it’s got to you.”

His comment doesn’t surprise me, because, like Alex, I’ve cultivated a reputation of being cynical and scornful of love and marriage. I’ve had my heart broken too many times to be anything but. And yet today, watching the ceremony, and maybe because of what’s been happening with Belle, I feel my heart swell.

Jeez, I’m getting old.

Gaby and Tyson are exchanging rings now, and for the first time in maybe ever, I wonder how it must feel to slide that gold band onto a girl’s finger, so every other man who looks at it knows that she’s yours, she belongs to you.

It means forever, I tell myself. Monogamy. Tying yourself to one woman for the rest of your life! How ridiculous is that?

And yet, right now, as Susan tells Tyson and Gaby that they are man and wife, and he can kiss the bride, the only emotion I feel is envy.

Belle looks over her shoulder, right at me, and something hits me in the chest as if someone’s shot an air rifle at me.

Ahhh, no… I padlocked my heart up so this wouldn’t happen again. I’m not going to let another girl fuck me over, rip up my heart, and stomp all over it. This is why I gave up dating to concentrate on my work.

But her lips curve up, just a little, and even though I’m scowling inside, I can’t stop mine doing the same.

The service over, it’s time for the photos. We hand Tyson a pair of crutches, and with care, he progresses down the aisle with Gaby, and over to the area in front of the trees, which provide a glorious backdrop.

There’s no time to catch up with Belle, because the photographer puts us through our paces, and when I’m not in the photo, I’m helping James and the ushers to shepherd people around.

Eventually, though, the photographer is happy, and then it’s time to form a line all the way to the restaurant.
