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“Damon, I’m all right.”

He huffs a big breath. “Listen, if any guy goes even remotely near that area again, you make sure he uses a whole fucking tube of lube first.”

“I will.”

“Don’t laugh, it’s not funny.”

“No, it’s not, but you’re very sweet.” I look at my phone. “How about being filmed while having sex?”

“I’m not sure we should keep going with this.”

I lower my phone, feeling a twinge of guilt. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“It’s not that, Belle. I’m going to pop a blood vessel if you tell me anything else like that.”

“It’s all right, there’s nothing worse than that.” I hesitate. “The thing is, this is really helping.”

He glances at me.

“I mean it,” I murmur. “You’re so open. I think it’s wonderful. I don’t want to be prudish in bed. I want to do fun things, but it’s as if I’ve been in a sort of cage, and you’ve found the key. And I feel that if I understand more, I’ll have the ability to make an informed decision. Does that make sense?”

His expression softens. “Yeah.”

“So can we keep going?”

“All right.”

Happily, I look back at my phone. “So what about being filmed having sex? I’m not sure. Soft limit? I’d have to be talked into it, but… maybe, if the guy was interested.”

“Yeah, that’s fair enough. It’s a tougher question for girls than guys, I think, as it’s usually the guys doing the filming, so they’re often not in shot. Remember, it’s about trust. You don’t want to find yourself splashed all over the Internet.”

“Oh, I didn’t think of that. Yeah. Imagine if I’d let Cole film me.” I shudder. I absolutely know he’d have posted it online to punish me for breaking up with him.

“With a long-term partner, it can be fun,” Damon says.

“You’ve done it, obviously.”

He just smiles.

I chuckle. “Okay.”

“What’s next?”

“Places. There’s a list. Oh my God! It’s got things like in a library.”

“As long as you keep the noise down,” he says, and laughs.

“Would you?”

“I’m not keen on exhibitionism or being discovered. I don’t find that sexy. I want it quiet and private. Just me and… her.”

I nod happily. “I agree. Okay, next. Massage. Giving and receiving. Yes to both from me.”

“Likewise. Massage is hot.”

“I imagine it is.”

“Don’t tell me, The Twat wasn’t interested?”
