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“Only if the girl’s into it, and not everyone is, and that’s okay. If it did happen, there would be tons of lube and fingers first and it would be very gentle and pleasurable for you. Her, I mean.”

I blink. That was obviously a slip of the tongue. How does he manage to make it sound so hot?

“There are plenty of fun things you can do the normal way,” he says, mistaking my silence for fear, I think. “It’s about pleasure. And it can be fun to push boundaries and try something new. But you have to be able to trust your partner.”

I trust you. I think it, but I don’t say it.

“There’s a big section on toys,” I tell him.

“What do you think? Would you be interested?”

“I don’t know,” I say shyly. “Maybe. Some of them sound a bit scary. Electrostimulation? Nipple clamps? Ow! Not my thing.”

“Aw, Belle. Don’t jump straight to nipple clamps, for God’s sake. You’d start with something small and simple, like a bullet vibrator. They’re the same size as a tube of lipstick. And you wouldn’t have to insert them if you didn’t want to. You just use them on…” He glances at me. “Sensitive areas. The buzzy feeling is nice.”

“Oh. Okay. You’ve… um… tried a few?”

“Yeah. You don’t need them. But they can be fun. One step at a time, eh?”

I nod. “Okay, the last section is fetishes. Wow. That’s a long list. What’sTamakeri?”

“Jesus, no, no, no!”

“Why, what is it?”

“Cock and ball torture. Don’t click on that link! Fucking hell. My balls just shrunk to the size of walnuts.”

I giggle. “Shall I show you some pictures?”

“A whole universe of no.”

“All right. Yeah, probably a hard limit on a lot of this. Jesus… what? Do people really do that?”

He glances at the diagram. “Apparently. I think it’s illegal in some countries.”

“Hard limit.”


“And that. And that! Oh my God. Seriously?”

He looks and gives a short laugh. “Not for me, thanks.”

“You’re not into any of this?” I ask. “Fire, or wax, or needles, or knives?”

“Nope. Hard limit.”

I feel oddly relieved. “People like some weird stuff.”

“They really do. But that’s okay, you know? What is it they say, ‘Don’t yuck someone else’s yum?’”

I laugh. “I haven’t heard that.”

“I think it’s very important. I have no doubt I like stuff that would turn some people off. Each to their own. It’s about finding someone else who likes what you like, that’s all.”

I think about that. It makes sense. I like that angle.

“There’s a whole section here on food you can tick,” I tell him. “Does it mean putting the food on your partner?”
