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“I guess.”

“Baked beans! Cheese! Oatmeal! Really?”

“Not keen on the savory options. Chocolate’s cool. Or that squirty cream.”

“Jo said she’d like to cover herself in chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, then lick it off.”

He laughs. “I can imagine her saying that.”

“I guess that could be fun.”

“Mm.” He glances at me, then returns his gaze to the road.

“I’m not sure about most of this stuff though,” I admit, returning to the list.

“That’s okay,” he says. “Me neither.”


“Some kind of rope bondage. Belle, stop reading.”

“I’m enjoying myself. What’s a golden shower?”

“Oh my God, please stop.”

“I’m guessing it doesn’t involve Mountain Dew.”

“Are you teasing me?”

I giggle. “A bit. What’s bootblacking?”

“Polishing someone’s boots.”

“No, come on, really.”

He laughs. “It is. It’s a submissive thing. There’s a lot of leather used in BDSM. Belle, put your phone down.”


“You don’t need to know all this stuff. Please, please, start at the beginning and don’t worry about all this.”

I put the phone down. “I didn’t even know half of it existed. God, I’m so incredibly naïve.”

“And I like you like that.”

“Damon! I’m not a kid!”

“Maybe not. But you don’t need to dive right into the deep end. You shouldn’t be thinking about knives and whips. First you need to find a decent guy you trust who’ll help you find what you like, and who’ll give you some good oral first. Then you can worry about the rest of it. Now, pass me a Twix. I’m starving.”

Amused at how he manages to talk about oral and Twixes in one breath without embarrassment, I open one and hand it to him, then do the same for myself.

While I eat, I look out of the window, at the dark, somewhat menacing sea. I wouldn’t like to do this journey on my own at night, but I realize I don’t mind at all being in the car with Damon. I feel safe with him, which is odd when I know that he has a reputation with women. If we lived in the eighteenth century, he’d be one of Jane Austen’s rakes, but I trust him implicitly. I guess it’s because I’ve known him for so long.

It gives me goosebumps to think that he’s probably ticked off a good percentage of the items on the list I’ve just been reading.

First you need to find a decent guy you trust who’ll help you find what you like, and who’ll give you some good oral first.

It’s such a shame he’s Alex’s best mate. He’d be perfect to fill that role.
