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Three long years had passed since my uncle brazenly seized control of our family's mafia operations. It had been a period filled with clandestine meetings, covert dealings, and an intricate dance of alliances.

At first, my uncle had likely thought I was an easy target, ripe for manipulation. But as time passed, it became evident that I wouldn't just fade away.

Instead, I spent those years methodically laying the groundwork for my return, building a network of loyal supporters, and patiently awaiting the right moment.

During my uncle's reign, our family underwent a significant transformation. He steered us into darker waters, engaging in illicit trades like drug trafficking and human smuggling, betraying the principles my father had upheld.

It caused a rift within the organization as many loyalists yearned for the days of my father's leadership.

In the softly lit room, I leaned forward, my eyes fixed on Leo and Antonio as I recounted the unsettling message Sophia had received.

"The message hinted at something ominous regarding her parents' deaths," I explained, my voice tense with concern. "It said their deaths weren't an accident, but it was... accidental in a way."

Leo's furrowed brows deepened as he leaned forward, his voice carrying the weight of his concern.

"Matteo, we need to be cautious here. Francisco doesn't play games without a reason. If he's sending cryptic messages about Sophia's parents, there must be something he's hiding."

Antonio, ever the pragmatic one, said, "And what if this is a way to divert your attention, Matteo? What if he's using this to distract you from something more significant?"

Their points were valid, and I couldn't ignore the possibility. My mind raced as I considered their words. "You're right, both of you. We need to be careful and not jump to conclusions, but this message... it feels personal."

Leo, with his years of experience in this world, nodded sagely. "Personal or not, we have to handle it with caution. I'll start gathering information on Sophia's parents' deaths discreetly. We don't want to tip our hand to Francisco prematurely."

Antonio, ever the voice of reason, seconded the motion by chiming in. "I'll assist Leo in the investigation.-"We can start digging into their deaths. See if there's anything we can uncover. We need to tread carefully though, Matteo.""

I nodded in agreement, appreciating their unwavering support. "Grazie (Thank you), both of you."

As the conversation shifted, they inquired about Sophia. I couldn't help but smile at their concern. "She's doing better now, all things considered."

Leo's eyes bore into mine, a stern and paternal expression. "Matteo, you must be even more careful with a child on the way. You have more to protect now."

Their genuine concern warmed my heart, and I nodded in acknowledgment.

"I know, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe."

Chapter 33


Being five months pregnant was taking a toll on me physically and emotionally. It was my first pregnancy, and the early stages were not kind.

The constant nausea that seemed to linger like an unwelcome guest, the fatigue that clung to me like a heavy cloak, and the mood swings that turned even the most mundane conversations into emotional rollercoasters were all part of the package.

As much as I had tried to prepare myself, nothing could truly prepare me for the reality of it. Some days, I marveled at the miracle growing inside me, but other days, I just wished for a break from the symptoms.

Matteo, my ever-vigilant protector, had brought in a trusted doctor to check on me regularly. He insisted on not taking any chances with my health, especially after the unsettling message we had received.

Truthfully, after learning that my parents' accident might not have been an accident, I grew increasingly fearful of going out.

The doctor's visits were a welcome relief. It was comforting to have a professional assure me that everything was progressing as it should.

Matteo, always present during these visits, would hold my hand, a reassuring presence amidst the uncertainty.

While the pregnancy had brought challenges, it also brought a sense of closeness between Matteo and me.

Living with Matteo had turned out to be surprisingly wonderful. Sure, our journey together had begun on a rocky path filled with secrets and uncertainties, but as time passed, the rough edges seemed to smoothen out. We settled into a rhythm that felt remarkably normal, considering the circumstances.

For one, Matteo's protectiveness had transformed into a comforting presence. He was always there when I needed him, ready to address concerns or fears about my pregnancy or our safety.
