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My heart ached with the weight of my unspoken feelings. I wanted to tell him, to scream it to the world, but something held me back even though I knew I loved him,

So, I lay there, pretending to sleep, grappling with my emotions as Matteo's warm presence enveloped me.

Chapter 36


The early morning sun cast long shadows across my office, but its warmth did little to ease the chill that had settled in my bones.

I sat at my desk, surrounded by the trappings of power and success, but all I could think of was her.


The previous night had been perfect. We'd laughed, we'd danced, we'd kissed, and it had felt like we were the only two people in the world.

I'd gazed into her eyes, my heart pounding, and I'd said those three words that had been on my tongue for an eternity.

"I love you."

And then I'd waited for her response, for those words to echo back to me, to fill the air with their sweet affirmation. But they never came.

I'd tried not to let it affect me, not to let it bring me down. After all, we were both adults, and feelings had their timeline, their rhythm.

Maybe she wasn't ready to say it, or perhaps she had her reasons. Reasons I couldn't fathom.

I'd thought we were on the same frequency, that what we had was deep and real. She clearly cared about me and had strong feelings for me, just as I did for her.

But last night, when I had bared my soul and laid my heart on the line, I'd been met with silence.

I raked a hand through my hair, frustration gnawing at me. Was it something I'd said or done? Had I misread the signals between us?

I'd woken up early, barely able to sleep properly, my mind consumed by thoughts of her and the unspoken words that hung between us. I couldn't shake the unease and doubt that had crept into my heart.

Despite the turmoil in my mind, I'd made an effort. I'd prepared breakfast for her, trying to keep things as normal as possible.

And then I'd called Antonio, asking him to watch over her, to ensure she was safe and cared for, while I left early and came to my office.

But sitting here now, surrounded by the demands of my work, I found it impossible to concentrate. My thoughts kept circling back to her, us, and those three little words that had gone unanswered.

I knew I had to be patient, that love was a complex and intricate dance, but as I stared out the window, I couldn't help the hurt feelings that simmered beneath the surface.

This waiting game was a delicate balance, but I was willing to tread the path, no matter how uncertain it seemed.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, my phone started ringing. I picked it up, and it was Leo on the line. His voice was firm, asking to know where I was.

"Matteo, where are you?" Leo's tone held a sense of purpose.

"I'm in my office," I replied, my curiosity piqued by the determination in his tone. "What's going on, Leo?"

Leo wasted no time. "I've finally uncovered the reason why Francisco killed Sophia's parents. It's a piece of crucial information, and I'm on my way to you now."

The call ended, leaving me with a sense of anticipation and resolution I hadn't felt in a long time.

Finally, after all these years, answers were within reach. The truth had remained elusive for so long, and now, it was on the verge of being unveiled.

My feelings were a mix of relief and apprehension as I entertained the thought that Sophia’s parents might have been involved in something dangerous.

I continued to wait, my mind racing with a thousand questions and my heart heavy with anticipation. The minutes stretched into what felt like hours as I looked out the window, wondering when Leo would arrive to share the long-awaited revelations.
