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As we entered the bedroom, the anticipation hung thick in the air. She wasted no time seducing me, her fiery spirit evident in how she pushed me onto the luxurious bed.

I was intrigued by her feisty demeanor; it was a quality I found undeniably enticing.

Her fingers trailed tantalizingly over my body, igniting a fire within me. Every touch was electric, sending shockwaves of desire through my veins. I was intoxicated by her presence, lost in the whirlwind of our encounter.

But then, she whispered something that sent a jolt of panic coursing through my veins.

“You will pay for your crime.”

My eyes widened in fear, and I tried to push her way, but it was too late.

Her wrist flicked with a graceful flourish, and a small, gleaming blade instantly materialized. Horror washed over me as the cold steel slid against my throat.

A searing pain shot through me as the sharp blade grazed my skin. It felt like a white-hot poker being dragged across my flesh.

Blood erupted from the wound, spurting out in rhythmic pulses that painted the bed's white sheets red. My attempts to speak or scream only resulted in gurgles and desperate, futile gasps for air.

I clutched at my ravaged throat with trembling hands, hoping to staunch the relentless torrent of blood, but it was a feeble effort. Blood oozed through my fingers, slippery and warm as if mocking my helplessness.

My vision began to swim in a haze of crimson, and the room spun around me. Every heartbeat, every fading moment, brought with it an unbearable agony.

The pain was beyond anything I had ever imagined, a symphony of torment orchestrated by my treacherous desires.

She stepped away from the bed, her body arranged with the grace of a true predator. Her voice dripped with satisfaction as she delivered my fate.

“This is your punishment.”

My vision darkened as the world faded away. In my final moments, those were the last words I heard as I lamented at the bitter irony of my demise—brought about by my insatiable weakness for beauty. This weakness ultimately led to my downfall.


A pleasant buzz in the pocket of my suit alerted me to an incoming call. With a swift motion, I retrieved my phone and answered.

A composed female voice spoke on the other end, delivering the news I had been waiting for.

"The job has been completed," she declared.

"Good," I responded, satisfaction lacing my tone.

Just as I was about to end the call, another voice chimed in from the couch, a voice that never failed to bring a smile to my face. It was Sophia.

"Matteo, can you come over? We need to decide which venue for our wedding is better."

The contrast between the two conversations was stark, but it filled me with a sense of contentment.

I hung up the call with the person on the other end and made my way to Sophia, the smile on my face growing broader with every step.

Everything was finally falling into place, and I couldn't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together.

The End
