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"But why would you want to offer me a job?" I asked, my skepticism evident in my tone.

He leaned against the doorframe, his gaze steady on mine.

"I've been scouting for a new employee with a specific skill set who could bring a unique perspective to my technology company. And your name came up quite a few times during my search."

I blinked, taken aback by his words. "My name?"

He nodded. "Yes, Sophia. Your reputation in technology has been making waves, and I was intrigued."

I felt a mixture of surprise and skepticism well up within me. Sure, I had a job, but I was nowhere near as high-profile as he seemed to imply.

"But... how did you even hear about me?" I asked, my skepticism showing.

Matteo's lips curved into a faint smile. "I have my sources."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his cryptic response. It was hard to believe that my name had been making rounds in any significant way, especially in the tech industry.

"I find it hard to believe that my name would be recommended to you," I admitted, my voice tinged with skepticism.

Matteo's smile deepened. "You underestimate yourself, Sophia. Your skills are well-regarded among those in the know."

I glanced at him, my mind racing with thoughts. The offer was unexpected, and my skepticism was fighting a battle against the flattery he was directing my way.

A job at his technology company was appealing, but I needed more answers.

"I appreciate the offer, Matteo," I said cautiously, "but I'm not sure how my skills could be that renowned. I already have a job and am quite content with it."

He nodded slowly, seeming to understand my reservations.

"I understand your skepticism. However, I believe that you could contribute a lot to my company. I suggest you take your time to think about what I just said.”

Despite how earnest he appeared, my memories of that night were vivid and haunting.

I had seen him pull the trigger, ending another man's life.

The image was seared into my mind, and I couldn't ignore that he was directly involved in the murder I had witnessed.

The unease grew as I tried to reconcile the man standing before me with the one who had committed such a brutal act.

It was a conflicting and bewildering situation, and I couldn't help but wonder what his intentions were.

As he spoke, explaining his interest in my skills and expertise, I couldn't help but let my mind wander.

Was this job offer a way to keep an eye on me? Was he trying to bring me closer into his world for some ulterior motive?

The possibility that he might know about my witnessing the murder and that this offer was somehow connected sent shivers down my spine.

My heart raced as I considered the implications. Could he be offering me this job to ensure my silence? Or worse, was he trying to lure me into a trap?

I couldn't believe my luck had taken such a twisted turn – meeting a man I was undeniably drawn to, only to discover the potential threat surrounding him.

My conflicting emotions churned, torn between my attraction to him and the fear that he might be involved in something far more sinister.

I wanted to believe that he was genuine, that this job offer was a legitimate opportunity, but the nagging doubt remained.

Was a killer genuine about anything?

My thoughts raced, and I found myself shaking with nerves. Whether his intentions were genuine or not, it was better to refuse.
