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As Antonio left the room, the atmosphere shifted once more, and I met Francisco's gaze with a subtle challenge of my own.

His smile remained, but a glint in his eyes suggested he was far from fooled.

"Matteo," he began, his tone casual but probing, "I can't help but notice that things have been rather eventful lately. Anything you'd care to share?"

“Nothing at all.” I smiled.

I leaned forward, my smile matching his. "Events tend to unfold, Uncle. You know how it is. As for sharing, rest assured, if you need to know something, I won't hesitate to let you in on it.Ti farò sapere (I will let you know)."

His smile widened, a gleam of annoyance lurking in his gaze. "That's all I ask, Matteo. Transparency among family members is essential."

“Of course. Then I’m sure you won’t mind telling me what prompted your unexpected…visit.” I drawled, raising an eyebrow.

Uncle Francisco's smile never wavered, but a calculated glint in his eyes set off alarm bells in my mind.

"Matteo, you know how important it is to keep our operations well-funded. The recent developments require a bit more financial backing, and I thought you might be willing to contribute."

I arched an eyebrow, my skepticism growing. "Contributing funds? Uncle, I haven't asked for any additional funds recently. What could require more money so soon?"

Francisco's expression remained congenial, but his tone took on a subtle edge.

"Matteo, things change quickly in our line of work. New opportunities arise, and we need to seize them swiftly. You wouldn't want our organization to miss out on potential gains, would you?"

I leaned back in my chair, my arms crossed over my chest.

"I understand the need for funds, but transparency is crucial. I'd like to know exactly what these 'opportunities' are and why they require additional resources."

He chuckled softly, a condescending note underlying his amusement. "You always were the cautious one, Matteo. Perhaps that's why you've managed to survive this long."

I met his gaze head-on, my smile thinning. "Survival comes from making informed decisions. Now, if you have a valid reason for needing more funds, I'm all ears, but if this is about lining your pockets without accountability, you won't find me compliant."

The tension in the room escalated, our words becoming weapons in an unspoken battle. Francisco leaned forward, his fingers tapping on the table rhythmically.

"Matteo, you underestimate the complexity of the situation. There are matters at play that you're not privy to."

I held his gaze, unyielding. "Then enlighten me. Transparency. It's not too much to ask."

He leaned back, a mocking smile playing on his lips.

"Very well, Matteo. You've made your stance clear, but don't forget who leads this family, who holds the power. Your defiance might not serve you as well as you think."

Our exchange ended there, but the weight of his unspoken threat hung heavily in the air.

I watched the door for a moment after Francisco's departure. My jaw clenched, and I resisted the urge to slam my fist onto the table in frustration.

His subtle threats and veiled warnings reminded us of our family's intricate power dynamics.

Sighing, I pulled out my phone and dialed Antonio's number. He picked up after a couple of rings, his voice calm and composed. "Matteo."

"Antonio," I began, my voice tense, "I need you to do some digging. Find out what Francisco is up to that requires significant money. I want to know the details."

A brief pause was on the other end of the line before Antonio responded.


Chapter 9

