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"He knows," I replied.

Antonio leaned back in his chair, contemplating the plan. "What are we going to do with Francisco? If he was the one who did this, then it means he knew that we were going to deal with the traitor. How could he have known?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Check our men. There may be a mole. If that's the case, they must be weeded out." I said.

Building a force of loyal men was crucial for our survival in my line of work.

With Francisco's betrayal and constant attempts to undermine me, I knew I needed a strong network of trusted allies who would stand by my side, no matter what.

I operated discreetly, carefully selecting individuals who had proven their loyalty and dedication to the family.

These men had served my father faithfully and earned their place in the inner circle of the De Luca family.

They were the ones I could trust with my life, and they knew they could trust me in return.

Our meetings and gatherings were shrouded in secrecy, hidden from prying eyes and ears.

We operated in the shadows, communicating in code and using secure channels to avoid detection.

While Francisco may have been aware of my efforts to find support within the family, he had no idea of the scale and depth of my network.

Each member of my inner circle had a specific skill set and expertise, making them invaluable assets in our fight against Francisco.

Some were skilled in intelligence gathering, others in combat and strategy. Together, we formed a well-rounded and formidable team.

Building loyalty was about power and skill, mutual respect, and trust. I treated my men respectfully and fairly. In return, they gave me their unwavering loyalty.

"As for Francisco, there's nothing we can do but lay low until we screen our men." I continued.

Antonio nodded in agreement. "Hai ragione (You are right). We have to be strategic about this. We can't let our emotions get the better of us."

I took a deep breath and leaned back in my seat. "I won't let him destroy everything my father worked so hard to build."

As Antonio and I continued our discussion, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for having him by my side.

He was not just my right-hand man; he was like my brother. One of the few people I trusted implicitly in this dangerous world we navigated.

He was tall and muscular, with classic Italian features and a quiet demeanor. The snake tattoo that wrapped around his right arm peeks out every time he rolls up his sleeves. It looks like it is watching you and will strike you at any moment.

Over the years, Antonio had prove to be loyal, competent, and fiercely devoted to the family.

He had stood by my side through thick and thin, never wavering in his support.

Our bond went beyond the business; it was a bond of genuine friendship and mutual respect.

I trusted Antonio with my life, and he trusted me with his. We had each other's backs, no matter the circumstances.

In a world where betrayal and deception lurked around every corner, our unwavering trust in each other was a rare and precious commodity.

Antonio's counsel was invaluable to me. He had an innate ability to see things from different perspectives and offer insights that I often found extremely useful.

Whenever I faced difficult decisions or uncertainties, Antonio was there to lend a listening ear and offer sage advice.

Looking at Antonio, I couldn't help but think of the many times we had faced challenges together.

We had weathered storms, overcome obstacles, and emerged stronger on the other side.

Antonio gets up to refill his glass. "You what some more?" he asked. I nodded my head, declining his offer.
