Page 50 of Give Me the Bad Boy

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I’d stayed all night,watching her apartment, staring at her bedroom window as I waited for the light to finally turn off. And when it finally had, when she’d gone to bed, I found myself getting out of my SUV and heading to the apartment complex. I stood right below her bedroom window, wishing I could look inside, wanting to see her sleep, watch the rise and fall of her chest as she wasn’t worrying about anything.

Then I’d gone to the entrance. I didn’t even need to jimmy the fucking lock, not when the front door was barely hanging on as it was. I’d already known what apartment was hers, had gone to her door, just stood there, closing my eyes and picturing going in there and pulling the blanket off of her, seeing the material sliding from her sweet, tight little body.

But reality had slammed into me as I looked around, saw how shitty her surroundings were, where and how she lived. I’d watch her better than anyone else could. I’d keep a closer eye on her.

These fucking locks wouldn’t keep her safe, but I sure as hell would.

Fuck, I had it bad for her.

And then I’d gone back to my SUV and stayed there the rest of the night.

I knew she’d figure out she wasn’t alone eventually, but depending on how fast she realized that would tell me exactly what kind of secret I was dealing with where she was concerned.

It would tell me a lot until Shyne, the patch I’d dispatched to find out information on her, got back to me.

And she noticed me pretty fucking fast.

She was on the run. She was nervous she’d be found. That’s why she clocked me as fast as she did. That’s why she was brave enough to approach my SUV.

She didn’t know the lengths I’d go to find out who she was, where she was from. Because I’d already deemed her mine. I already made the decision that I wouldn’t let her go. No matter what she was running from, no matter what she was hiding, Poppy was already mine.

So I drove off, left her standing in the middle of the street on her way to work wondering who I was, what I was doing watching her. And when the time came, which would be sooner rather than later, I’d let Poppy know my intentions.

I’d show them to her.

Chapter Seven


Ipulled the SUV to a stop in front of the gates of the MC compound. Two prospects came to the gate, knowing it was me, and opened it immediately. I drove the vehicle up to the building, parked in the lot beside the MC, and cut the engine.

For a minute, I just sat there, hearing the sound of bass coming from the garage off to the side, hearing the shouts of the men talking to each other. I needed to get with Shyne and see what he found. He hadn’t contacted me yet, so I assumed he had nothing, but I was too impatient.

I needed to know what I was dealing with where she was concerned. I needed to know how to make things good for her so she didn’t feel like she had to run. That she didn’t have to hide.

I needed her to know that with me she’d be safe. That I would protect her with my life.

I climbed out of the vehicle and made my way toward the front of the club. The bay doors of the garage were open, but the structure was a good distance from the compound. I could make out a few of the guys, trucks being worked on, a couple of motorcycles parked outside. Heavy rock poured from the speakers, loud enough that I could hear the words.

I shoved my hands in the front pockets of my jeans, walking forward. The front door opened and a club girl came out, her clothes in disarray and that “just fucked” look on her face. Her hair was a rat’s nest around her head, and her red lipstick was slightly smeared along her cheek. Her eyes were glossy, her gait unsteady. It was fucked up—drunk or high, hell, maybe both.

One of the prospects followed her out, holding the door open so I could enter. I looked over my shoulder at him. He brought his hand down on the woman’s ass, the sound of his palm connecting with the cheek making a squeal of delight come from her.

She looked over at the prospect and grinned, a little bit of that smeared lipstick on her front tooth. She was a hot mess, but she probably fucked that prospect like a thoroughbred horse who’d just won the race.

And that’s what the girls who hung around at the club were good for—fucking the MC boys and helping them find that release and unwind. Typically, they didn’t want anything more than that, just to be associated with us, just to say they had a cock from The Devil’s Right Hand MC. But there had been a couple on occasion throughout the years who thought they could be more than just a piece of ass. They thought they could be an old lady, tied to one specific member of the club and essentially be their wife.

But a lot of the guys in the MC had hard, long lives. Even with some of the young members, they’d seen a hell of a lot more than they should have. And because of that, they were skeptical, didn’t allow themselves to fall in love. They didn’t allow themselves to be with women for more than a night at a time.

And me? I, on the other hand, hadn’t been with a woman in longer than I cared to even admit. With work, running the business, and keeping track of our legal and illegal dealings, my focus and priority had been on everything else aside from female companionship.

Besides, I wasn’t a club whore kind of guy. I didn’t like that shit. Never had. Never would.

But then I saw Poppy and something in me changed, like this light switch going on, like this room filling up with an iridescent glow shining on the darkness that had always been my life. I couldn’t even pinpoint what exactly it was about her that drew me in, but what I did know was it felt real. It felt right.

And so my goal, my mission, was to make her mine, to watch her, find out about her. She worked damn near seven days a week, second shift until closing. She walked to and from that shitty bar job. She had no vehicle, not that I’d seen, and up until now, I realized she was a runner, afraid of something or someone.

And I wanted to show her—prove to her—that whoever had hurt her, whoever had made her feel like she wasn’t safe, like she couldn’t have a home and be rooted, would feel my fucking wrath.
