Page 53 of Give Me the Bad Boy

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I felt the gun move across my fingers, the smooth, cold, and hard metal giving me relief, confidence.

As I walked home, I let my mind focus, the cool breeze blowing over me, chillier than normal for this time of year. But I welcomed it. I was tired of the muggy, sweltering heat that lingered after the sun had set.

The sound of my shoes hitting the pavement was what I focused on. I didn’t pay attention to the car horn honking, music blaring in the distance, or people talking behind me who lingered around the bar.

I rounded the corner and continued to make my way toward the apartment complex. I still had my hand in my purse, my fingers wrapped around the grip of the gun, the feel of it in my palm giving me strength and calming me slightly.

I’d been walking for about five minutes, halfway to my destination, when that prickling sensation started on the back of my neck and moved toward my limbs. I didn’t stop but slowed considerably, keeping my gaze ahead of me and scanning my surroundings.

Maybe I should have increased my pace. Ran.

But I didn’t want to be the prey who sensed the predator and tried to escape.

I didn’t want to be that person in life.

I knew the danger was behind me. Felt it lick over my skin.

Over the past few days, I’d been feeling more on edge, and it didn’t help realizing I was being followed, that the dark SUV was at the forefront of my mind. That was why I was anxious.

The thought that he found me, that I should run, hide... fight back.

I made sure to scan my surroundings before leaving anywhere. But I thought they’d either given up or they were being stealthier, because I wasn’t seeing that SUV anymore. Of course,anymoremeant the last couple days.

And then I heard the vehicle behind me, slow and steady. I did stop then, ready to end this once and for all. Ready to confront the person who was making my life even more stressful.

My anger overrode my fear, confusion, and worry. I tightened my hold on the gun even harder, took a step forward, and another one. The vehicle stopped, the headlights shining right on me.

There was no one else around, the neighborhood I was in shady, shifty. No one would think twice if they heard me fire off a shot. And maybe that was best.

And so I pulled that gun out and pointed it at the vehicle, my heart racing so hard and fast I could feel it in my throat, hear it in my ears.

I swear I could feel it rushing through my body. The fight or flight instinct was riding me hard right now, survival mode telling me to just leave, to run. To hide.

But I couldn’t run forever. I had to face my problems. I had to know who was following me, watching me, but I wasn’t going to surrender. I wasn’t going to submit. And so I took a step closer, and another, and another. And then I was almost to the driver side door, the windows so dark I couldn’t see anything. But I know whoever was sitting there watched me, was staring right at me.

I felt their eyes on me, their intensity. I felt my fear down to the very marrow in my bones.

And then the driver side window started to roll down and everything in me froze, tensed. I stopped breathing, and I swear my heart stopped beating. My hand was shaking as I moved back a step and then to the side, getting a better look inside the car. My heart jumped into my throat when I saw who sat in the seat, who watched me, shadows playing around his body, the light from the dashboard giving him an almost ominous appearance.


Although I felt relief, felt myself actually start to lower my hand, I shook my head slowly but felt myself tense even more. I knew I should have feared him, but… I didn’t. I pointed that gun right at him, focused, and wiped the emotion off my face as best as I could. I narrowed my eyes, needing him to see I would not back down.

“Do you even know how to use that thing, girl?” His voice was so deep and husky, sending vibrations through me.

“Want to find out?” My voice was steady and calm... dripping with venom.

He smirked. “You’re a fierce little thing, aren’t you?”

I narrowed my eyes, refusing to let the pitch and tone of his voice do wicked things to my body.

“Do you normally stalk women in the middle of the night?” My voice did shake then, but I couldn’t help it. That fear of the unknown mixed with my excitement at seeing Butcher.

He was silent for long moments, and I wondered if he was thinking about his answer, trying to make up a story. And although I hadn’t known this man for very long, I knew, just knew he wasn’t the type to lie.

He probably called things like they were, the cold, hard truth with no apologies or fucks given.

“If it means protecting you, then yeah, I’ll stalk the fuck out of you, Poppy.”
