Page 75 of Give Me the Bad Boy

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Dangerous, violent toward offenders, wealthy beyond means, and required to fulfill certain obligations.

And one of those was getting a woman and creating a family with her… heirs to teach about the business, to mold into men who would further help the mafia, and females who would be wives and mothers to those criminals.

My mother started talking to Paolo when it was clear I wouldn’t contribute to my personal affairs and whether I would or wouldn’t get a wife.

Because the truth was I already had someone in mind.

Bianca Alfonso.

The first time I’d seen her was when I made an appearance at one of the businesses The Family worked with.

Seeking Curves was an up-and-coming matchmaking company that catered to women, with the men being high end on the social scale. The specialty and “claim to fame” for Seeking Curves was that they guaranteed a match. With a detailed information intake from every client, they made sure to match individuals in a three-tiered system, from most compatible to least.

It was when The Family noticed how successful and popular Seeking Curves was becoming in such a short time, and with trends and statistics being followed by the men who worked with and for us, that The Family made the decision to have a hand in the company and its stocks.

So here we were, the company flourishing and gaining more momentum and popularity every day.

But because of my schedule, it had been a month since I’d been able to get back to Seeking Curves. It had been four weeks since I’d seen Bianca.

But that was going to change tomorrow. I was making a special trip to the matchmaking company’s head office.

Ever since that first day I’d set my eyes upon her, seen her sitting behind that desk going about the mundane tasks of secretarial work, I felt this hard desire slam into me, one that was foreign but consuming nonetheless.

She said “good morning” to me that day, two words I’d heard muttered by countless people in my lifetime. But when I heard her voice for the first time, I felt this dangerous desire uncoil within me.


I wasn’t accustomed to the feeling, to the sensation of wanting something so badly it was almost violent inside me.

And ever since that day, I knew one thing: nothing would stop me from making Bianca mine. Nothing would stop me from making her desire me the way I did her.

She was an infection in my blood, and I didn’t want the cure.

God help her, because I was going to have her as mine.



I’d never seen myself working for a matchmaking company. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with it, but I’d always believed in true love, and this skeptical part of me didn’t see how that was possible when you were hooked up with someone by a company.

As the daughter of middle-class parents, I knew the value of working hard for what you wanted. My parents had been high school sweethearts, had fallen in love when they were young, and stayed together even though it was hard as hell being as young as they were.

And then my mother had gotten pregnant with me when she was still a teen. I’d known andseenhow hard they had to work just to put food on the table. But they overcame it, had succeeded, and it was because of that and seeing what true love could do to people that made me even more skeptical.

Or maybe it was because I was single and just sour about being alone.

Or maybe it was just jealousy as I watched all these gorgeous women and well-off men find their happily ever after. And that's what I saw day in and day out while working at a company that catered to that demographic.

But my personal beliefs on what it took to be happy and find love didn’t affect my job. I made sure to smile, always spoke positively about the company, and when the word “love” was uttered, I gave the same spiel I gave to everyone: that we all deserved to have that special someone in our lives, and Seeking Curves was dedicated to guaranteeing every client found just that.

I pushed all of that from my mind, because dwelling on things I had no control over wouldn't help the outcome—whatever that would be for me. I started doing what I did best at Seeking Curves—data entry. As the secretary of one of the up-and-coming online matchmaking companies in Los Angeles, the main office wasn't really used for clients. Most everything—as it was done everywhere these days—was done online.

I’d been busy working for the last twenty minutes when the sun caught something outside and flashed a gleaming light into the front office. I lifted my focus from the computer and saw a shiny black Mercedes pull up. And although I didn’t know much about cars, I could tell right off the bat that particular Benz didn’t look like one of the “regular” ones I saw in LA. No, this one was clearly in a league of its own. It was sporty and sleek, and I could see it on the road in some illegal street race.

And I didn't have to see the driver to know who was behind the wheel. Because I’d seen that car before… a month ago, when I realized I would forever compare all men to him.

