Page 20 of The Nanny Proposal

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Grant put his hands on my upper arms and squeezed gently before running them up over my shoulders to cup my neck and then my face. “You’re the mostbeautifulperson I’ve ever met,” he corrected in a low voice.

For a moment, I wondered if someone had replaced reality with a Brody’s All-Time Greatest Fantasies reel.Had he really just said that?The words made me dizzy and desperate.

“Please,” I whispered, unwilling to risk any misunderstanding. With him here, this close, and his hands on me, I didn’t want to waste my chance. “Please.”

His lips landed on mine featherlight, a soft brush for a split second of yearning before our mouths suddenly remembered how hungry they were and the kiss turned desperate and feral.

“Oh fuck,” Grant spoke against my lips. “I knew it would be like this.Fuck.”

I whimpered and pressed my body against his, wrapping my arms around his back and splaying my hands wide to hold him close.

We kissed like our very lives depended on getting as deep into each other’s mouths as possible. His big hands gripped my head, and the warm breath exhaled through his nose lit up my skin everywhere it landed. His sexy scent—sandalwood andGrant—bonded itself to my DNA, and I knew that for the rest of my life, nothing else would ever get me as instantly, undeniably aroused.

Grant’s hands moved down to wrap around me. One strayed to the back of my neck to hold me in place while the other moved down to cup my ass and squeeze. I could feel my dick leaking, dampening the front of my pajamas, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t stop making noises of desperation, of desire, of submission.

Whatever Grant Brighton wanted to do to me was going to be my new favorite regardless of what it was.

“Want you so fucking much,” he growled before moving down to nip the edge of my jaw before sucking the tender skin of my neck between his teeth.

“Yes,” I breathed. “Anything. Please.”

“I’ve wanted you for so long, Brody. Christ. Be sure. Please be sure you want this with me. I don’t—”

“I am,” I said quickly. “Fuck,of courseI am. It’syou. You can have whatever you want, Grant. Anything. Always.Please.”

I knew I was repeating myself, but I’d lost the ability to be articulate the moment he’d stepped into the room.

I was a vessel of purewantnow, and for the first time ever, I didn’t want to hide any part of that wanting.

I knew Grant would worry about our age difference and the fact that I’d been his employee—if not now, then later. I needed him to know that I wasn’t just going along with this. I fuckingachedfor it.

I didn’t want him to stop.

And I didn’t ever want him to regret.

“What do you want?” he said, moving both hands down to grasp my ass with those strong, life-saving hands. “I want you to feel good. What would make you feel good?”

Shit. Now that theregretword had entered my head, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I needed to move things along, to let the wanting take me over again.

“Naked,” I said through heaving breaths. “You, me, no clothes.”

The low rumble of his laugh vibrated through my chest before he pulled away to lift my T-shirt over my head.

“Yes,” he said simply before lowering his mouth to trail kisses down to one of my nipples. “God, yes.” After a strong suck I felt all the way down to my balls, he lifted me up like I weighed nothing and sat me down on the edge of his giant bed.

I stared up at him, gloriously sexy and flushed, eyes wide and pupils blown, watching me with one hundred percent of his incredible focus, and I knew this was the moment I’d dreamed of.

I could run my hand over his thick hair the way I’d imagined.

Take his mouth with mine until he was moaning.

Strip off his pajama pants and worship his hardness with my lips and tongue and hands.

Live my fantasy.

I sucked in a deep breath… and froze.

“Brody?” Grant sensed my hesitation immediately. He clasped my cheek with one broad palm. “Talk to me.”
