Page 15 of Hayden

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Since I’m in a good mood, probably since I’m away from annoying Addison, I decide to be neighborly and head next door to introduce myself.

Okay, I admit it—I really want to see what this chick looks like. Having an attractive female neighbor could end up being a good thing.

Averygood thing.

Smiling, I make my way up her driveway.

When I’m almost at her car, she opens the door.

I raise my hand to wave and not alarm her as she starts to get out.

But then my smile falters, and I skid to a halt.

No, this can’t be right.

Fate would not do this to me.

Damn, it wouldn’t do it tous.

Sliding her tote up her shoulder, she turns to close the car door, and that’s when she sees me standing there like a creeper.

Shit, this does look weird.

Slamming the car door shut, the sound slicing through the silence like a knife, she snaps, “Harrington, what the hell are you doing in my driveway? This is bizarre. Are you stalking me now? What did you do? Follow me home?”

On the defensive, I snap right the fuck back, “Of course not. And don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

For that remark, I receive a scowl.

Undeterred, I go on. “I was just coming over to introduce myself. I had no ideayouare my neighbor. I live next door, by the way.”

I wave my hand in the direction of my house, and her big green eyes follow.

When what I’m telling her finally sinks in, she shrieks, “No! You arenotmy neighbor. Tell me this is a nightmare I will wake up from.”

I can’t help it. I laugh.

I mean, shit, this really is an absurd and strange coincidence.

Still chuckling, I say, “Sorry, but this isn’t a nightmare. It’s reality. We’re neighbors. Unless, of course, one of us decides to move out.”

I raise a questioning brow, and she snorts. “Yeah, right. You wish. I’m not going anywhere, pal. I signed a six-month lease.”

“Well, so did I, sweetheart. I’m here to stay too.”

“Ugh.” She leans back on her car, looking suddenly exhausted. “This is unbelievable. You living next to me. What is the freaking chance?”

“Pretty slim, I’d say.” I blow out a breath, my anger subsiding. “But here we are.”

“Yeah, here we are.” She sighs. “So what do we do now?”

“Well…” I cross my arms over my chest. “We can’t do anything about having to work together, but we can control what happens here. So how about if we make a deal?”

“What kind of deal?”

“A simple one—I’ll leave you alone, and you leave me alone. We’ll just do our own thing like the other isn’t around. What do you think?”

“I think that sounds perfect,” she states.
