Page 19 of Hayden

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When the food arrives, we dig in.

“Damn,” Arden says between bites. “This steak is perfect.”

“Mine is good too,” I reply.

Nils, his mouth full, just nods in agreement.

Once our initial hunger is curbed, we slow down to a more normal eating pace, and a conversation ensues.

We discuss the game, but then, switching gears, Arden asks, “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask if anyone moved in next to you.”

“Yes.” I make a face. “And you’re never going to believe who she is.”

Arden and Nils both know about my assigned consultant, Addison. I’ve also filled them in on my history with her. The two of them, who work with different consultants for their promo events—lucky fuckers—think it’s pretty bad luck the way things worked out for me.

Ha, just wait until they hear this one.

I haven’t even wanted to bring it up. Working with Addison is bad enough. Part of me keeps hoping team management will change their minds.

But no, I think I’m stuck with my enemy.

And now I have to contend with running into her when I’m at home.


Cutting a piece of asparagus, Nils says, “Your neighbor is a ‘she,’ huh? Is she single? If she is, it can’t be all that bad.”

“Yeah, for real,” Arden agrees. “So who is it? How can it be someone you know when you just moved down here to Atlanta?”

I blow out a breath. “You’d think that would be the case, right? But I know her all too well. She works for the Thunder.”

Arden, brows knitting, says, “She does?”

“Yep.” I nod once. “And she just so happens to be my fucking consultant.”

Arden’s mouth drops open, and Nils almost chokes on the asparagus he just popped into his mouth.

“Holy hell,” he says once he recovers. “Addison Knight is your neighbor? You’re joking, right?”

“I wish I were,” I mumble. “But she is indeed my neighbor.”

“Man…” Arden shakes his head. “That is some shit luck.”

“I know.” I set my fork down on the table, suddenly no longer hungry.

“Do you see her a lot when you’re at home?” Nils asks.

“No, not really.” I shake my head. “We made an agreement to try really hard to stay away from each other.”

Arden reminds me, “Yeah, but you still have to attend promo events together.”

“Speaking of which,” Nils says, “when is your next one?”

“This weekend.” I sigh. “I have another autograph signing on Sunday at two o’clock, the day after we return from our away game in Tampa. This one is at a sports store in the mall and will last at least three hours.”

“Pfft,” Nils chuffs. “That’s going to suck. Fly back late on Saturday after the game, and then have to go sign a couple hundred autographs the next afternoon.”

Arden, smirking, adds, “All under the watchful eye of your pal, Addison Knight.”
