Page 23 of Hayden

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But I can’t stay outside all night. I’m in shorts and a tee. I’ll freeze my ass off.

Plus, who’s going to save me in the morning?

I can think of only one person who might be able to help—my nemesis neighbor.

Ugh, no.

Slowly, I turn my head and peer over at Hayden’s deck.

“Please don’t tell me he’s my only hope,” I mumble.

But he is.

Only problem is I don’t even know if he’s back from practice.

Even if he is inside his house, what’s the chance he’ll come out onto his deck?

Pretty slim, seeing as it’s getting colder every minute.

Worse yet, it’ll be completely dark soon.


As the sun dips below the horizon, I consider my options—I can call out for Hayden the Horrible and hope that he hears me, or I can risk turning into a human Popsicle.

Neither option is all that desirable, but my will to survive wins out.

Holding onto the railing of the deck on the side facing his house, I lean over and do something I never thought I’d ever do—I yell for Hayden to help me.


Once I’m home after a long and grueling practice, I heat up a grilled chicken breast in the microwave and throw together a salad of mixed greens and fresh vegetables.

When everything is ready, I sit down at the kitchen table and devour my impromptu meal in about seven minutes flat.

Yeah, I was really fucking hungry.

After rinsing off the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher, I decide to go upstairs to unwind and maybe watch a little TV.

In my bedroom, I toe off my slip-on shoes and turn on the big flat-screen on the wall.

But just as I’m about to take off my jeans to get more comfortable, I swear I hear a woman’s voice outside yelling, “Help. Help!”


I mute the TV.

And then I hear my name.

“Hayden? Hayden, are you over there? Please be home.”

Shit, it sounds like Addison.

Is she in trouble?

I may not like her very much, but I’m not going to ignore her if she’s in some kind of distress.

No, I’m going to help.
