Page 39 of Hayden

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I was more just curious.

Still, I’m glad I know the full story.

Damn Kristi, too scared to tell on me herself.

Oh, well.


Like I told Addison, it’s all working out for the best. The team is happy with my progress—both on the ice and off.

A couple days after I assemble Addison’s exercise bike, she calls me from work.

“Hey,” she says. “I have great news.”

I’m on my way to meet Arden for lunch, but I’m early, so I make the turn into the restaurant parking lot and pull into an empty spot.

Cutting the ignition but leaving the phone synced to the car speaker, I say, “Yeah, what kind of great news?”

“The really great kind,” she says, sounding über-pumped.

“Well, spill it, girl.”

Barely able to contain her enthusiasm, she says in an excited rush, “I got you a sit-down interview withAtlanta Sports Monthly. You’re going to be the feature for January. You get the cover and everything, Hayden. This is beyond amazing.”

I’m floored, in the best kind of way. “Wow. That is fucking fantastic.”

This really is big, and I’m excited.Atlanta Sports Monthlyis next-level media. They have a national following and only feature big-name athletes.

And the cover and feature story?


Addison is vibrating with as much energy as I’m feeling. It’s coming through the speaker, especially when she squeals, “I know, right?”

“Wow,” I go on, still amazed. “How did you land that?”

“I don’t know.” I imagine her shaking her head, trying to be humble. “I just went after it. I guess I talked to the right people and pleaded my case strongly enough. Well, your case, actually.”

I laugh. “You must’ve really talked me up.”

“I did.” She sounds excited, and that touches my heart. “I told them to watch out for Hayden Harrington, in a good way, and that you’re on the verge of breaking out.”

Softly, I murmur, “I hope you’re right, Addison.”

“I am,” she insists. “Look at your stats so far. You’re leading the team in points.”

Now it’s my turn to be humble. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

She cuts out for a beat, then says, “Hey, I have to go. There’s another call coming in.”

“Okay, cool. I’ll talk to you later. Oh, and one more thing.”


“Thanks, Addison. You’re the best.”

We disconnect, and since I don’t see Arden’s car yet, I sit and think about how I never thought I’d say, “Thanks,” to my former nemesis.
