Page 69 of Hayden

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“Oh, this is so fucking perfect,” I mutter.

It really is, as I have a few things to say to her. And now an opportunity to do exactly that has fallen into my lap.

Or walkway, as the case may be.

Stomping over to her house, I make a straight line to the front door, where I ring the bell more than necessary.

That’ll get her moving.

Sure enough, the door swings open almost immediately.

“What the hell, Hayden?” Addison snaps as she stands there in a fuzzy pale blue sweater, black leggings, and socks. “There’s no need to ring the doorbell a hundred times.”

I ignore her gripe.

I’m glad it bothered her.

That was my intention.

“Here,” I say flatly. “This was lying on my walkway. It’s addressed to you.”

I hand her the package, which she tosses inside.

Okay, she’s mad.

Crossing her arms, she huffs. “You could have just left that on my doorstep, you know?”

I laugh sarcastically. “And where would be the fun in that,sweetheart?”

Glaring at me, she grinds out, “Are you here just to irritate me?”

“No. I’m here to ask why you’re being so ridiculous.”

“Ridiculous?” she barks. “In what way would that be?”

“Seriously?” My brows shoot up. “Where should I start? Oh, I know. How about you taking an innocent situation and just seeing what you want to see? Or what about you not even entertaining that what I told you actually happened is the truth?” I’m on a roll as I add, “You know what I think, Addison?”

Not nearly as snarky as she was a minute ago, she says quietly, “What’s that?”

“I think you’re afraid.”

Her eyes flash in ire. “Oh, this should be good. Do share. What am I afraid of, Hayden?”

I hold her gaze as I tell her, “You’re afraid of us, of our potential. I think you got spooked by something so real that you blew the first thing that came up out of proportion. Maybe it is better that we’re finished.”

A pained expression crosses her face, but I refuse to back down.

It doesn’t last long, though.

Right in front of my eyes, her hurt turns to rage. “Yeah,” she says icily. “Maybe it is good we’re finished. We clearly make a rotten couple.”


She goes on. “And for the record, you’re wrong. I didn’t get ‘spooked.’ I just can’t believe you even gave Kristi the time of day. She fucking threw you under the bus, Hayden.”

Cold as ice now myself, I retort, “No, sweetheart, as I recall,youdid that.”

Leaving her stunned and speechless, I spin around and walk away.
