Page 72 of Hayden

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“Babe…” I rush over, kneeling in front of her. “Are you okay? Is your ankle the only thing that’s bothering you?”

“Yeah.” She nods. “Pretty much. I landed on my ass, and that’s a little achy, but my ankle is what really hurts like hell.”

“Okay.” I catch her gaze. “Is it all right if I look at it?”

She nods, and I slip off her fuzzy sock. “Damn. It’s definitely swollen.”

Slipping my hand down to cup her heel, I gently turn her foot, testing her ankle.

She immediately pulls back. “Ouch!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Sighing, I say, “Maybe we should take you to the ER or an urgent care and have your ankle x-rayed.”

“Do we really have to?” she asks. “I really don’t want to make a big deal out of this if it’s not too badly injured. Can’t we just put some ice on it for now and give it a little time?”

I think it over and come up with a better solution. “How about if I call our trainer, Rob, and ask him if he can come over? He has years of experience with all kinds of injuries. He can tell us right away if you need to go to the ER or if we can just take care of it right here.”

Addison nods. “I like that idea. I’m good with it.”


Taking out my phone, I call Rob.

He answers, and after I explain the situation, he agrees to come over.

I give him the address, and we disconnect.

“He’s on his way,” I tell Addison. Then, standing, I say, “I’m going to get some ice for you from the freezer. I’ll wrap it in a kitchen towel, and we can put it on your ankle to take down the swelling.”

“Okay,” she replies. “I actually have an ice pack in there.”

“Perfect.” I turn toward the kitchen. “I’ll grab that, wrap it, and be right back.”

I start to walk away but skid to a halt when Addison calls out quietly, “Hayden?”

I take a step back and look down at her. “Yeah?”

With no hint of sarcasm, and looking up at me with sad green eyes, she murmurs, “Thank you.”

In that moment, I know we’ll be okay.

Not just Addison and her ankle but us as a couple.

The trainer arrives within the next half hour. He rings the doorbell as I’m sitting next to Addison on the floor at the base of the steps.

Yeah, we’re still in the same spot, just chatting like nothing ever happened.

I suggested we move to the living room after I brought in the ice pack, reminding her that the sofa would be much more comfortable. But she insisted she didn’t want to get up and move around until she gets the go-ahead from a medical professional.

Well, Rob is that. He really has seen a, like, million injuries like this one. He’ll be able to assess Addison’s twisted ankle in no time.

After I let him in and introductions are made, he drops to the floor to get to work.

I stand close enough to see what’s going on, but I make sure to stay out of the way.

After moving the ice pack aside to assess the swelling, Rob feels around all over Addison’s ankle area.

“Does that hurt?” he asks, turning her foot this way and that just like I did.
