Page 76 of Hayden

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While we wait for the food to arrive, and after I retrieve her more ice from the kitchen—this time just cubes wrapped in a tea towel since we forgot to put her ice pack back in the freezer earlier—Addison tells me about the great response she’s heard all week regarding my feature inAtlanta Sports Monthly.

She says, “I set up a few more interviews for you and a couple of online hockey outlet features. They’re all reputable and have lots of subscribers, so you should get some good exposure.”

“Fantastic,” I reply, feeling genuinely grateful. “Thanks. Things are really working out, huh?”

“They are,” she agrees. “They really, really are.”

We both mean more than just the two of us successfully rebuilding my image. We mean us—as a couple, as partners, as everything good two people can be.

The pizza arrives, and we eat it while watching a movie.

Afterward, we head upstairs to bed, where we curl up together.

Addison falls asleep where I want her to be every possible night—in my arms.


Hayden spends the rest of the weekend at my house. He only leaves me for practice Saturday morning and to run over to his house to pick up more clothes.

Oh, and he sticks to his promise of carrying me up and down the stairs, even when I tell him by Sunday night that my ankle is already feeling better.

“Seriously,” I say as I shift on the sofa, “I was originally thinking I’d take a day or two off from work, but I feel good enough that I’m just going to go in.”

“What about driving?” Hayden asks.

He’s seated down from me, with my feet elevated on a pillow in his lap. I’m done with icing, and I’m only wearing the Aircast when I’m up and about.

“I only need my right foot to drive,” I remind him. “It’s my left ankle that’s hurt.”

He nods. “Good point.”

“Yeah, I have it all planned out. I have some nice flats I can wear, and with the holidays coming up, everyone is dressing more casually anyway.”

“Oh, speaking of the holidays…” Hayden says.


“The team Christmas party is this Saturday night. I was thinking, if you feel up for it, it’d be a perfect opportunity to let everyone know we’re a couple.”

I’m excited, as I’m ready to let our relationship status be known to the world. Well, at least our world.

“Yes,” I say, smiling happily, “I love that idea.”

“Great.” He pats my thigh. “I do too. Then—” He laughs. “—I can finally take you out on a real date.”

Pointing at him, but just in good fun, I tell him, “I’m going to hold you to that, buddy.”

Hayden is completely serious, though, when he replies, “Addison, this is just the beginning. I’m making you a promise right here and now that I am going to treat you like a queen.”

“Wow.” Kicking away the pillow with my good foot, I curl my finger and beckon him to me. “Come here.”

Once he settles his weight on me, I look up at him and ask, “Do you know how much I love you?”

Brushing his lips over mine, he murmurs, “I have an idea, but I think you better show me.”

“Yeah, I think so too.”

I then do exactly that.
