Page 78 of Hayden

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Hayden glances around, as do I. It’s clear from the growing number of stares and raised eyebrows that his teammates are beginning to realize we’re a couple.

Jerking his chin to the crowd, Hayden says, “Looks like it’s not going to be a secret for too much longer.”

“No.” Coach laughs. “I think not.”

Hey, it’s all good.

This is what we want.

And it turns out to be amazing. As we mingle, we discover everyone is really happy for us. A lot of folks are surprised, as well.

The only two who are in the know, of course, are Arden and Nils. Since they’re really Hayden’s two best friends on the team, we hang out with them the most, especially as the night wears on. We even find ourselves a cool little nook off the ballroom with high-backed chairs and a massive ten-foot decorated tree.

That becomes our spot for the duration.

At one point, though, we run out of champagne. Since there are no waiters daring to intrude on our private space, even though we wouldn’t mind, Nils and Hayden decide to go grab us more champagne.

Arden and I are left alone, and the subject of the land Hayden is buying comes up.

“How do you like living out there?” I ask him.

“Ahh, Addison, I love it.” He leans back in his chair. “I told Hayden a while back that even though it’s a hike to the arena, it’s worth it to be so close to nature and have all that peace and solitude.”

“It is a beautiful area,” I agree. And then I add, “Though now you’ll have a new neighbor. I mean, once the house is built.”

With a sly smile, he retorts, “Hmm, I’m thinking maybe I’ll havetwonew neighbors.”

Surprised, I point to myself. “Do you mean me?”

He laughs. “Of course I mean you. And I bet it’s not that far off.”

I shrug. “Who knows? You could be right.”

It’s true. If my relationship with Hayden continues to progress—and I feel certain it will—moving in together would be the next logical step.

And then what?

Marriage, maybe kids?

Yikes, am I ready for all that?

You know what?

I am.

I’m no longer hesitant or afraid.

I love Hayden, and I want a long life with him.

And that includes everything that goes with it.


Over the Christmas holiday, Addison and I meet each other’s families.

We fly to Pittsburgh first, after a home game on the twenty-third, and drive up to the little town of Butler, where she’s from, to spend Christmas Eve with her parents and her sister, Willow.

As soon as I meet her family, I am stunned by how much Addison takes after her father. She has his same raven-black hair and emerald eyes.
