Page 18 of Arden

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“Fantastic,” I reply, swiping my mouth with a napkin.

Besides a few additional comments about our food, which we thoroughly enjoy, we don’t say much else.

But once we’re finished with our meals and the plates are cleared, our easy conversation ramps right back up.

We talk a little about how tasty the food was, and also make mention of what a nice time we’re having.

We really are, and that gets me to thinking…

“What are you doing this evening?” I ask.

Taking her phone out of her shorts pocket, she starts scrolling and says in a mock-serious tone, “Hmm, let me check my planner. I’m pretty booked up with social functions these days, so we’ll have to see.”

When she looks up and over at me, she’s trying not to crack up.

Our eyes meet, and then we both start laughing.

Playing along, I ask, “So how does it look? Do you have any space to fit me in? Or is your dance card full?”

Snickering, she glances down at her phone. But then she sets it on the table.

Peering over at me, she arches a brow. “Depends on what you have in mind, Canada Boy.”

“Well, Pennsylvania Girl,” I say, chuckling, “I have a nice, big firepit that’s built right into the stone on my back patio. Would you want to come over for a fire later tonight?”

“A fire, huh? That sounds like fun. Can we make s’mores?”

I laugh. “We can, but we’ll have to stop at the grocery store on the way back and pick up the essentials to make them.”

She nods. “Okay, that shouldn’t be too hard.”

“Not at all,” I agree. “So, fire and s’mores are on tonight’s agenda? What’s your answer, Pennsylvania Girl? Are you in?”

Picking her phone up off the table and sliding it back into her pocket, all while smiling over at me, she says, “You bet your ass I’m in.”


Lunch with Arden earlier was fun. Like, I had a really great time. He’s such a nice guy, charming and sweet. And I love the way his icy blue eyes sparkle when he’s teasing.

Not to mention, how great is it that he likes to joke and play like I do?

Hell, we even had fun in the grocery store, picking up the ingredients for the s’mores.

In the candy aisle, as we were looking for chocolate bars, an older couple who recognized Arden as a Thunder player came up to us and asked for his autograph.

He happily obliged, signing their shopping list since they had no other paper on them.

How cool was that?

What was even better, though, was what he did when we were in the checkout line.

There was a little boy in front of us who looked to be about ten years old. He was with his mom. He had on a Thunder jersey and kept glancing back. It was clear he knew Arden is with the team.

As the line moved, he’d look back again, and every time, Arden would smile at him.

Finally, the kid built up the courage to ask if he would sign his jersey.

Of course Arden did, making the kid’s day.
