Page 26 of Arden

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Yeah, we both know what that can lead to—an awesome hug.

Our embrace trulywasawesome, and I won’t soon forget it.

But I’m betting neither will he.


After our time on the ice at the practice facility, I show Willow around the place, including the main arena next door and the locker room we use during the season.

“Wow, this is really nice,” she says, spinning around and checking it all out. “This locker room is certainly fancier than the one over in the practice facility.”

“Yeah, it is,” I agree. “I guess I really can’t complain. The Thunder treats us right.”

“They sure do,” she says.

I then show her my locker. And even though it’s empty since it’s the offseason, my nameplate is on it.

“That’s really cool,” she says. Then excitedly, she turns to me and asks, “Would you want to see my cubicle? It’s not an official office, but it’s nice and fairly roomy. I saw it when I was interviewing. Anyway, I won’t be in it officially till Monday, of course, so it’s going to be kind of bare. But I have a key to the accounting area of the finance department that they sent to me, so I can show it to you if you want.”

I am interested to get a glimpse of where she’ll be working, so I reply, “Yeah, I’d like that.”

We head next door to the corporate office area, and she shows me around the whole finance department. When we step into her cubicle, she begins to explain how she plans to decorate it.

“Okay, so I’m going to put a few family pictures on my desk and hang a print I bought last spring at an art show over here.” She points to an empty wall, then to one with a corkboard in the center. “Here,” she goes on, gesturing to the corkboard, “I’ll probably put up a few inspirational sayings to keep me motivated on trying days, but I’ll leave space for memos and such.”

I nod approvingly. “Sounds like you have it all figured out. I’m sure it’ll feel like your own space in no time.”

“That’s the plan,” she says. “I like having stuff organized. It’ll make me feel like it’s my own space right away then. And also get me in the right frame of mind to get to work.”

I can relate, as, once the season starts, I like having my locker feel like my own area right away too.

I tell her as much and add, “Of course, nothing was in there that I could show you since it’s the offseason.”

She nods. “That’s okay. You’ll just have to bring me back and show me again after the season starts.”

I like that we’re making plans for down the road. I would normally balk at such a thing, but with Willow, it just feels…right.

Nodding, I reply, “I will, for sure.”


After we leave, we return home. I drop Willow off at her house, but not before we agree to talk or text later today.

On my way up to my place, I shake my head. I can’t believe how well this morning has gone. Willow and I just get along like we’ve known each other for years.

We clearly have a natural strong connection.

But maybe sometimes it’s a little too strong.

“Like that hug on the ice,” I murmur as I pull into my garage and lower the door behind me.

I sit inside my car, just thinking about how she felt in my arms.

Amazing, that’s how.

I’m glad she pushed away and skated off. Someone had to, and I don’t think I was strong enough in that moment.
