Page 39 of Arden

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Brow creasing, Nils asks, “Are you sure there’s not more going on with you two? I mean, you sure are acting like a jealous boyfriend right about now.”

I do feel jealous…and hurt. I thought Willow said she’d sworn off men. So why is she having lunch with a dude she’s never mentioned before?

Is she using a dating app?

Is this one of those “let’s just meet for lunch” things?

Shit, has she been doing this all along?

And I just haven’t known?

Fuck, I feel sick.

Despite all the time we’ve spent together over the past few weeks, maybe I don’t know her after all.

The waiter comes around, and I just order soup. Forget a sandwich; I’ll be lucky if I can get the Chicken Noodle down. All I really want to do is leave.

At least, a few minutes later, the next best thing happens—Willow and her “date” pay the bill and take off.

I breathe a sigh of relief that she never noticed me.

But wait, is that a good thing?

Am I so unimportant to her that she didn’t even see me coming in?

Sure, our booth is tucked away, but we did walk through the entire fucking restaurant to get to it.

How could she not have seen me?

So many questions and not a single answer.

Well, I’m going to get some clarification, that’s for sure.

And I’m going to get it today.

I know Willow works until four. That’s only a few hours away. I can wait till then.

But once she’s home, I’m going to be paying her a little surprise visit.


Oh my God, the minute I get back to my desk, I rummage through my desk for an antacid tablet.

My stomach is a wreck. I couldn’t even finish my lunch, not after Arden walked into the same restaurant I was at with Hector.

What are the freaking chances?

I roll my eyes as I pop a Tums into my mouth.

I thought I was in the clear since Arden didn’t see me on his way to a booth in the back of the bistro. I think that was only because his teammate, Nils, was on my side, blocking his view.

Once they sat down, though, I noticed Arden looking around the restaurant.

I had to act fast, so I started laughing and talking animatedly with Hector, hoping he wouldn’t realize I’d seen him.

Poor Hector was probably wondering why I was so chatty all of a sudden. Thankfully, he doesn’t know me well enough to have caught on that something was wrong.

When I snuck in a surreptitious glance Arden’s way, wow, did he look pissed!
