Page 62 of Arden

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“And she loves you?”

“She says she does.”

“Then go, fucker.” Nils waves his hand over the table. “I’ll take care of the bill. Go now, Arden. Fix this shit with your woman.”

That’s all I need to hear.

I’m glad I have on basketball shorts, a plain white tee, and athletic shoes, because once I’m out of the restaurant, I’m pretty much sprinting down the road.


Arden tries all week to reach out to me, but I’m not ready to talk. The truth is I’m still making up my mind on whether to forgive him or move on with my life.

At first, I was leaning toward forgiving him.

After all, I do love him.

But I’m afraid of getting hurt yet again.

First, it was Liam with his cheating, and now it’s Arden and his lies.

The way it went down, too, finding Lydia naked in his bed, was just truly awful.

If I do forgive him, I shudder to think what could happen next.

What else hasn’t he told me about?

What other strange women are going to show up in his bed?

But none of this may matter, as the strangest thing happened on Wednesday, something that’s making me think that moving on may be the way to go. To my utter shock and surprise, my recruiter called to tell me the big accounting firm in New York City, the one I interviewed with in the spring, has another entry-level opening.

And they may want me.

“Would you be interested?” she asked. “I can tell you one thing, Willow. It’s a lot more money than you’re making right now.”

If I were still with Arden, I would have said no in a heartbeat. I don’t even care about the income.

But I’m not with him, so I replied, “I think I may be.”

She said, “There’s no time to ‘think’ about it, Willow. You have to decide today. They’d like to interview you again on Friday morning. If this is going to happen, you’ll need to fly out on Thursday. I’ve already checked, and there’s a flight at six in the evening from Atlanta to LaGuardia. I can get you on that one, plus set you up in a hotel that’s only a block away from their headquarters.”

I had to make a quick decision, and it really felt like this was all happening for a reason. I mean, Arden is out of my life, and I never did look for an apartment here in Atlanta.

There’s nothing holding me back.

So I said, “Yes, I’m interested. Get everything set up, and I’ll make arrangements to leave work early on Thursday. That way I can go home and change and get my butt to the airport by four.”

“You got it,” she said, sounding excited for me. “I’ll email you all the details.”

I tried to muster an equally amped-up “Thanks.”

But once we hung up, I sat and wondered if I was making the right decision.

I’m still wondering that now today…and it’s Thursday.

Yeah, my flight leaves in a few hours. That’s why I just left the office and am on my way home.

The only person who knows what’s going on is Hector. I had to tell someone.
