Page 69 of Arden

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After taking a sip of coffee, Hector sets his mug down and says, “I’m just trying to do my part to help you chart a course to true happiness.”

Nodding, I assure him, “You really are, and I appreciate it.”

“No problem.” He leans back in his chair, looking pleased with himself for his role in saving my relationship, and then he asks, “So, what’s next for you guys?”

“How do you mean?”

“Like…” He taps his fingers on the table. “Are you going to move in with Arden? I know your sister and Hayden are coming back home soon, and last I checked, you still haven’t looked for an apartment.”

Defensive, though he’s totally right, I counter, “I browsed the listings online once.”

He snorts. “Yeah, okay, but did you ever go look at any places?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“So”—he crosses his arms—“where are you going to live, then? I’m voting for moving in with your man.”

I’m not averse to the idea, as we are right back to where we were before—spending all of our free time together—but there’s one little problem.

Sighing, I share, “He hasn’t asked, Hector. Maybe Arden isn’t ready to take that step yet. After all, we haven’t been together all that long, and we did just have a breakup.”

“Irrelevant.” Hector uncrosses his arms and waves his hand around. “When it’s right, it’s right. Some people take years to get to that point, but for others it happens fast. You two just happen to fall into the ‘it happened fast’ category. That doesn’t take away from what you and he have, though. You love each other, right?”

“We do.”

“Then there you go. And don’t worry. I bet if you start talking about apartment hunting and get serious about it”—he gives me a hard stare—“that man will ask you to move in with him in a heartbeat. Trust me, I know about these things.”

“You may be right,” I murmur.

Still, I’m not sure. I wish I had the confidence Hector does, but I don’t. Sure, I have some clothes and makeup and stuff at Arden’s house, but I’m far from being moved in. He’s never brought it up as an option either.

Maybe he does just need a little prodding.

Because the truth is I’d love to live with Arden. Now that our first big fight is behind us, I feel closer to him than before.

I still believe it has to be his decision, though. But a little encouragement is fine.

So yeah, I think I’ll take Hector’s advice and start searching for an apartment. I’ll be sure to get Arden involved.

And then we’ll see what he does or doesn’t—yikes, I don’t even want to think about that possibility!—do.


On Monday morning, Willow texts me from her office that she needs to get to work on something and that she’d like my input.

Okay, interesting.

At least I hope it is, as I have no idea what she might be referring to.

As I lower my phone, I think about what she could possibly need my input on.

I have time to ponder. I’m at home, relaxing on the sofa. Well, okay, I was kind of napping before the dinging phone woke me up.

I skipped my morning skate with Nils today, since I felt like I got in more than enough working out with Willow this past weekend.

Since, after a minute or two of thinking about it, I still have no clue what could be up, and I’m curious as all get-out, I lift my phone and text her back.

Me: Okay, babe, sure. Whatever you need, I’ll help you with. But can I at least have a hint?
