Page 70 of Arden

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Willow: It’s nothing crazy, don’t worry. I just think it’s time I start seriously searching for a place to live. Hayden and Addison will be home in a couple of weeks, and I don’t want to be that annoying houseguest who won’t leave, even if I am her sister. Actually, that would probably make me even more annoying, lol

Whoa, okay.

It takes a few seconds for this to sink in. I guess I never really thought about Willow moving into an apartment that could end up being quite a ways away. I like that she’s so close by.

I blow out a breath. What I’d really like to do is ask her to move into my house. It’s too big for one person, anyway. But that’s not why I want her with me. I love her, and my selfish ass craves being around her as much as possible.

But I don’t want to ask her something so important via text. This is a conversation that requires a face-to-face interaction.

That’s why, for now, I just text back something simple.

Me: I’m sure neither Hayden nor Addison would ever find you to be annoying. But yes, I’ll help.

Willow: Clearly you aren’t familiar with my dynamic with my sister. We love each other, but we can really go at it.

Me: Okay, I believe you. We’ll get right on this apartment search as soon as you get home.

Willow: Thanks. Gotta go. Talk to you later.

I spend the rest of the day thinking about the best way to ask Willow to move in with me. I could simply give her back the key she once had, the one she threw at me when Lydia was in my bed, but I want to make this more of a gesture.

I don’t think just handing the key to her and me being all like“Wanna move into my house?” is the way to go.

Hell, I have more finesse than that. So yeah, this has to be more. But not too over the top either. I want to save that for when I ask her something really special, like“Will you marry me?”

I know that day will come, as Willow Knight is the one for me.

But back to the here and now…

I think about it and think about it some more, and finally I come up with a plan. The first step is to purchase some flowers.

But after heading over to the supermarket, nothing strikes my eye.

So I stop by the local florist.

I should have done this from the start, as the lady working here is already putting together a beautiful collection of lavender-colored roses and blue hydrangeas for me to give to Willow.

She turns the completed bouquet to me, and I remark, “Perfect. That’s stunning and just what I envisioned.”

Smiling, she places the flowers in a pretty crystal vase.

I take them home, where I set them in the middle of the kitchen table. I then send a quick text to Willow, asking her to come over to my house after work. I tell her I did a little apartment hunting for her, and I printed out a bunch of possibilities.

She texts back that she’ll be right over after she stops home to change.


Next up is to find some apartments on the desktop in my study and print out a few.

Once I’m working on that, I don’t really put much effort into which rentals I print, as I don’t intend on Willow moving into any of them.

I want her here with me.

That’s why the last thing I print out is a picture of my house, on a plain sheet of white paper, so it matches all the other ones.

I slide it into the back of the pile.

All in all, I have twelve pages, which I fasten together with a clip.
