Page 16 of Bonded Beyond Lies

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“As much as I hate him and as much as I wished that it wasn’t true, I did feel the connection. Even my wolf identified Todd as her mate,” my voice is filled with barely restrained rage because I hate the fact that I thought I was paired with him, even if it was a lie. Was it a lie? “How is that possible?”

I cling to Tristan as his hands run up and down my back, soothing me and lulling me into calming down. The tingles racing over my skin, little sparks of sunshine and contentment, help matters immensely. This is something I never had the chance to experience with Todd, thankfully. I don’t want anything to cheapen what is happening between us. I want this to be real so badly.

“I have a feeling witchcraft is involved,” Tristan’s voice contains violence, but I know it’s not directed at me.

I nod against his chest, it’s the only conclusion that makes sense. Witches and wolves don’t necessarily get along, but witches can be bought for a price. If Tristan is right and the point was to weaken him by using me, it makes sense.

“Everything changed that day, after you left,” my voice is muffled against his chest, but I know he’s heard me by the way his body stiffens. “I remember your eyes and feeling safe as you looked at me. I remember being introduced to you and Alpha Nathan. My parents spoke with Alpha Thomas and Luna Lori after you left. Then,” I suck in a breath, his berry-cedar scent helping to center me, “everything was different. I lost everything that day.”

He growls, the sound telling me that his wolf wants to know just as much as the man, “What happened, Serenity?”

“My f-f-,” I cut myself off and shake my head before I try again, “the Beta accused me of flirting with you.” Tristan scoffs and I have no doubt he’s thinking the same thing I am and was at the time—I was a ten. “He slapped me. It was the first time it happened, but then physical abuse became a normal part of my life. I was allowed to go to school. I was no longer allowed to train. I was treated like scum, like a servant. Nothing was the same. I was alone.”

“I’ll kill every one of them,” Tristan snarls, more wolf than man.

It should frighten me after everything I’ve endured. It doesn’t.

I snuggle deeper into his chest, part of me reveling in the bloodlust I can feel coursing through this male who vows to protect me. I can feel the truth in his words. If witchcraft was used and it was a means to an end to get to Tristan, so much of my past makes more sense than it ever did before.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

Why didn’t my parents fight for me? Why did they go along with everything? Who knew the truth?

Even though I try to stop them, the words slip past my lips, “If you knew I was your mate, why did you leave me behind? Why didn’t you check on me?”

Tristan pulls back from me, just far enough to look down into my eyes. I can see the regret there, the burden of his past decisions weighing on his shoulders. He grips my chin so I can’t look away, his green eyes imploring me to listen and give him a chance.

“I’m so sorry, my little mate. I’m so sorry,” he sounds desperate. “I wanted you to have a childhood. I wanted you to enjoy your life and become the woman you were meant to be. Normally we would have only crossed paths when you were of age, for both our sakes.”

“The Moon Goddess doesn’t make mistakes,” I murmur.

Tristan smiles at me, but it’s sad and forlorn, full of yearning and his own pain. I realize the last eight years must not have been easy for him. He must have seen others, his friends and packmates, find their mates and happiness. He didn’t have that.

Was he waiting? Did he sleep with the she-wolves in his pack because I was too young to even know he was my mate? It’s not like I could really blame him for it if he did.

“I can practically see your mind teeming with questions, Serenity,” there’s a fondness in his voice, an adoration, which has me blushing slightly. “Leaving you at Waning Moon under the care of your parents was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Waiting for you,” I arch an eyebrow and he gives me a knowing look, “and I did wait for you little mate, was painful and difficult.”

My voice comes out like a squeak, “What? You waited for me? You mean you didn’t, didn’t…,” I trail off, my face heating from the unspoken words that lay between us.

“I would never betray our bond. As difficult as it was to know where you were and not see you, I looked at it as an opportunity to make Blood Rising worthy of you and your devotion,” there is pride in his voice that has my heart pounding in my chest.

When I was a young pup, I remember the stories we were told about the mate bond and how love blooms as the bond strengthens, making the connection between mates stronger than steel. I had been looking forward to that connection my entire life, hoping that it would be what saved me from the pain. What I experienced with Todd was so far from what I wanted and needed. But this is everything I was told to look forward to and more. Even though it’s not whole yet, I can feel the bond.

It glows, twists and bends, but it doesn’t break. I have a feeling that it never will.

I can only hope I’m right, but for the first time in so long, I don’t fear the hope in my heart. I’m embracing it.



As Tristan holds me, I find myself looking at the past eight years through a new lens. I have no doubt that the Alpha wanted to know why Alpha Nathan was speaking to my parents. I have no doubt he only wanted power and to make Blood Rising weaker. They’ve been one of the strongest packs for a long time and Alpha Thomas has always been hungry for power.

Being used for someone’s agenda has my stomach turning. I hate it. If witchcraft was used, it makes me wonder how much of the last eight years was real and how much was a lie. Does it even matter?

I cling to Tristan and let grief wash over me. It’s so much to process, but the realization that I have something better, something more, to look forward to gives me a sense of peace I didn’t know I was searching for. I need this future; I need this male.

“Thank you for coming for me,” I whisper against Tristan’s chest.
