Page 22 of Bonded Beyond Lies

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I squeezed her and then she let go of me. She hung out with Cora and me as we finished up our shopping and, I think, I made a new friend. When I told Tristan about the conversation later that night, while we were snuggled in bed, I could feel the pride for his pack radiating from him.

He just nuzzled the top of my head and sighed, “I knew they would accept you, my little mate. You’re the perfect Luna for Blood Rising.”

I couldn’t help but tease him, “Were you really that bad? Cold, distant, and aloof?” I scrunched my face up and tilted my head up so I could look at him. “You didn’t laugh?”

“What would I have to laugh about when I didn’t have my light with me? I needed to make sure we were strong enough to protect our Luna, our queen. I couldn’t misstep. I had to make us, and myself, worthy of you.”

I pretty much launched myself at him with those words, kissing him hard until we couldn’t breathe. Then I explored every muscled inch of his body with my hands. It was the boldest I had been in bed with him, but he deserved to be rewarded.

We haven’t mated or marked each other, and I know he’s been taking it slow because of me. I appreciate the gesture, but the man is driving me deeper into sexual frustration hell with every one of his heated glances and light caresses. Sure, he has found more than one way to make me come and scream his name, but there’s a deep yearning inside of me to solidify our mate bond.

“You and me both,” my wolf grunts, the frustration clear in her voice.

It’s not helping that Tristan is training right now. Without his shirt on. Sweaty. With his muscles bulging and pulling.

I trained with Tristan first thing this morning, before the rest of the warriors came to the training ground. He started training me a few days after I arrived here. I’m sure he thought I had no training, and, in some ways, that’s true. I tried to keep up with what Dad had shown me, but I never learned anything new after he stopped training me.

I’ve started to pick things up quickly, but I’m more than okay with not being ready to join everyone else. It looks difficult as hell and I’m still trying to get healthy again after so many years of not having enough to eat and being abused. I’m feeling more like myself now.

Which is not helping matters when it comes to the whole being ready to mark and mate Tristan thing.

The pack’s Gamma, Beckham, oversees training, but everyone attends. Except for the little pups and the elderly, of course. The pack is then put into smaller groups based on skill and age. It helps the teens channel their energy, especially those who are about to or have just shifted.

Watching the training, even though I haven’t participated yet, has been eye opening. It’s one of the reasons I stick around after my morning session with Tristan. Watching everyone fight and learn has taught me as well.

Then there’s the added benefit of showing the pack that I’m here and want to be with them. The Luna is the heart of the pack and I want them to know they have mine. I want them to trust me and look to me as a leader. I can’t do that if I were to hide away from them.

Since London pointed out to me that the she-wolves who appeared jealous at first, no longer felt that way, I’ve been keeping an eye out for anyone giving off a jealous vibe. I’m thrilled no one is anymore. Instead, people smile at me and say hello when they’re on their way to training.

No one seems surprised I’m not out in the field with them either. I swear some of them are showing off for me, especially some of the teens.

“Drake,” Tristan shouts out and my gaze snaps over to where two males are sparring with a little too much intensity.

I hold my breath, unsure what is going to happen next. They’re probably having an issue controlling their wolves. It’s a problem all teen shifters have, but it’s worse for males. I’m sure it has something to do with hormones, but I’ve always wondered if it’s more like psychological misogyny than a medical reality. It doesn’t matter because when a problem arises it still needs to be dealt with.

Drake growls at the young man he’s sparring with, I think his name is Vince, not heeding Tristan’s warning growl or his approach. Both Drake and Vince are close to my age, but neither are 18 yet nor have they met their mates.

My heart starts beating in my chest as my mate approaches the slightly out of control males. Drake swings, but his punch is wide and doesn’t come close to hitting Vince. I can tell that Vince is on the edge of losing control of his wolf in the same way that Drake already has.

I stand up slowly, unsure if I can help. The sharp look Tristan sends me, as if he knows what I’m thinking, has me staying where I am, though I don’t sit back down. I barely stop myself from gasping when Tristan grips both males by the back of their necks and holds them away from each other.

The muscles of my mate’s arms strain with how hard the young males want to get to each other, but it’s clear who is in control here. It should not be such a turn-on. What can I say? I’m a hussy for my mate.

“You and me both, my human,” my wolf purrs and I roll my eyes. “I don’t think I can wait much longer to make our Alpha mate ours fully.”

My wolf might be a horn-wolf, but she’s not wrong. Not at all.

“Enough,” Tristan bellows, his Alpha command washing over everyone in the field. Most of them tilt their head in submission. Not me. His command has my nipples standing at attention, but I feel no compunction to submit to my mate. It’s quite the perk. “You were told to stop sparring and take a moment to calm down.” Tristan looks between the boys. “What is going on with you?”

Drake points an accusing finger at Vince. “He thinks my twin sister is his mate,” he spits.

I wince and start to make my way closer to Tristan and the males. It’s clear the young wolves are calming down and that my mate has them both very much in hand.

“I’d like to take my mate in hand,”my wolf snickers.

I scrunch up my face and admonish my wolf, “That wasn’t necessary. It’ll happen when it’s supposed to happen.”

“Soon. Make sure it’s soon,” she insists, and I push her away as I find my spot next to my mate.
