Page 24 of Bonded Beyond Lies

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Once I slipped shorts on and she pulled a dress over her head, I pulled her against my chest and ran my fingers through her hair, reveling in the sparks of our bond. “Everyone will be impressed with your wolf when you run by my side at the next Moon Run, little mate,” my voice was boastful, and I wanted her to hear it.

“Moon Run?” The way her eyebrows pulled together in confusion was fucking adorable.

However, her question gave me pause. “Did Waning Moon,” I was barely able to get the name of that bastard pack out of my mouth, “not have a pack run under the full moon?”

Serenity shook her head slowly. “No, the only time the pack really got together was for big events revolving around the ranked members of the pack and pack meetings,” she rolled her eyes, making me smile at her sass, “which involved the Alpha barking orders at us most of the time.”

I scoffed in annoyance. “I knew there was something wrong with that pack. Of course, they would only bring the pack together when it suited them.” I was fuming on the inside and wondered just how many of the pack members were happy there. Did they even know what they were missing? I felt bad for anyone who was mated into the pack and had to adhere to self-centered leadership after coming from a well-run pack built on respect instead of only rank. “We all shift together and run under the full moon. Sometimes we hunt,” I told my little mate with a shrug.

Serenity made a humming sound and mused, “I’m sure it makes your bond as a pack stronger and helps to blow off some steam. I bet people need it considering how tough your training is,” she teased me.

I barked out a laugh before pressing a kiss to my mate’s forehead. “I think you got my number, my brilliant mate.”

I wasn’t the least bit surprised that she understood the significance of our runs. It was just more proof that she is perfect for me and my pack. Our pack.

With my mate’s hand in mine, I lead her toward a path we haven’t taken before. I can practically feel her excitement through our bond, even though we haven’t completed it yet. I hope she’s ready or will be ready soon. It’s becoming more and more difficult for me to hold off on marking her. My wolf growls his agreement, and I can’t help but smile.

Serenity glances up at me with her large, innocent blue-grey eyes, “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” I remind her. When she huffs in annoyance, I can’t help but throw my head back and laugh at how cute she is. “Don’t worry, it’s not far,” I assure her.

Just being this close to her, finally, is enough for me. As we walk for a few minutes, my worry and anxiety grow. I hope she likes it. I’m not sure what I’ll do if she doesn’t. This is something I’ve been working on for so long.

As I start leading her to a large house, Serenity’s eyes light up as she takes it in. It makes some of my worries melt away. I don’t stop until we’re standing at the bottom of the porch steps.

“This is your surprise, my little mate,” my words are growled with my wolf on the surface.

Serenity glances up at me before looking at the house, confusion written across her face. “A house? Who lives here?”

“We do.” She gasps and turns toward me, tears welling up in her beautiful eyes. I pull her against my chest and bury my face in the crook of her neck, taking in her vanilla-caramel scent and letting it wash over me. “I’ve been building this place for the last eight years. I finished it a few weeks before your birthday. I planned to bring you here directly, but with everything I learned about your time in Waning Moon, I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

Her delicate fingers run gently through my hair, making sparks cascade over my body. “You built this house? For us?”

“For you,” I mumble against her skin. “I wanted you to have a home and for us to have a place all our own. The packhouse can be loud and sometimes crowded. I wanted to give you a sanctuary.”

Serenity lets out a squeal of excitement before she pulls away from me and races up the stairs. She doesn’t wait for me, and I can’t help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. This is exactly the reaction I was hoping for. My heart feels lighter and any doubt or worry I had are gone completely.

I’m right behind my mate and watch with amusement as she explores every room. The soft smiles on her lips and the excitement in her eyes make the long wait I had to endure for this moment worth it. She makes all of it worth it.

When I follow her into the primary bedroom, which is already set up with a king-size bed and some furniture, she turns toward me and the smile on her face has me rocking back on my heels. “You built this? For me? For us? A home,” she finishes with a whisper.

I hold up my hands. “I had some help, but most of the work was done with these hands.”

I don’t get any warning as she launches herself at me. Her legs wrap around my waist and I’m instantly hard as steel for my mate. It makes my head spin. I’ve been pushing away desire for so long, there was part of me that was worried it wouldn’t come back.

I should have known better because now, with Serenity in my arms, all I can think about is burying my cock inside of her. The pack could probably function without us for a few days. There is so much about our connection I want to explore with my sweet, innocent mate.

Her bruises are gone now, and she has a healthy glow about her. I regret not knowing what was going on with her in Waning Moon, and I’m sure I always will, but I can’t let it impact our future.

“Tristan,” Serenity breathes, her lips hovering over mine, “this is perfect.”

A little thread of worry seeps into my tone, “You like it?”

“I love it. I have no idea how you did it, but you took my dream house right out of my mind and built it for me. I’m so proud of you and so impressed with what you’ve built. Not just this house, but the entire pack. You are an amazing man and Alpha. I’m so glad I get to call you mine.”

I growl as my lips crash down against hers. She meets my ferocity with her own and I find myself stepping toward the bed. Everything in me is screaming to throw her down and fuck her until neither of us can move anymore.

But I don’t want to rush her. I can’t do that to my sweet mate.
