Page 30 of Bonded Beyond Lies

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I shake my head and sass him, “Let me guess, an upgrade like you?”

Crew laughs. “So, you agree, Iwouldbe an upgrade.” He slaps Tristan on the back and ribs him, “See? It wasn’t even that hard.”

Tristan growls and I snuggle into his side, not wanting him to think for a moment that I would ever consider not being with him. Tristan kisses my temple and takes in a deep breath of my scent. I love that I can calm him.

His green eyes are sharp with warning when he looks back at his friend. “You really shouldn’t mess with me. You know how long I waited for her.” Crew gives his friend an understanding look before flashing me a genuine smile. Tristan lowers his voice, “Since my sweet little Serenity is carrying my pup, I really might rip your head off. Friend or no friend.”

I sigh and shake my head at my mate. He sends me an apologetic wave down our bond, but it’s almost overwhelmed by the feeling of pride from my mate because I’m already pregnant with his pup. Damn adorable teddy-wolf Alpha mate.

Crew is grinning from ear to ear, the excitement for his friend clear to see. “Congratulations. I’m sure your parents are thrilled.”

I knew Crew was already made aware of the details around my life in Waning Moon. Tristan told me he was briefed since the meeting was in his territory and there might be a conflict. Okay, might is putting it mildly. I can only hope I can get the blood out of my clothes when Tristan kills anyone who gets too close to me. If it’s someone from Waning Moon? All the better in my mate’s eyes.

“We haven’t said anything to the pack and we’re not making an announcement here yet,” I give my mate a pointed look, but he’s adorably unbothered considering the smug smile he shoots me. Male pride is alive and well in him. “But thank you.”

“No problem. Your secret is safe with me,” Crew promises.

“How’s Tilly doing away at college?” Tristan’s question of his friend makes me smile. I’ve heard a lot about Tilly and Crew, it feels like I already know them both. “How many guards disguised as students do you have on her now?”

Crew barks out a laugh that has some of the Alphas who are close by looking our way. They look stunned by the smile on Tristan’s face, but I’m not. I hope no one thinks he’s gone soft just because I’m at his side now.

They would be wrong, but I have no doubt my mate will prove it if need be.

What gets blood stains out?

I glance down at my dress. I really like this one too. It’ll be such a shame.

“A few,” Crew starts to respond, but then the mood in the room shifts and his posture changes from relaxed to ready to defend.

He’s not the only one. Tristan looks like he’s ready to shift and rip someone’s throat out.

When I look toward the entrance of the hall, I instantly know why. There stands Alpha Thomas, Luna Lori, the Beta couple—both generations are here today, folks—along with Todd who has a she-wolf on his arm who is dressed like she’s ready for the club. She’s gorgeous, but a few inches on her skirt wouldn’t hurt.

“I love drama,” Crew sounds almost delighted as he speaks out of the side of his mouth.

When Todd sees me, he starts to almost drag his…companion in our direction. The rest of the Waning Moon wolves follow in his wake. I have to fight myself not to roll my eyes.

“Well,” Todd sneers when he’s close enough to me, “seems like my former mate is still deluded into believing she’s worthy of being a Luna.”

Something is different about Todd. As I stare at him, my mate’s menacing growls surrounding me and making me smile, it takes a moment for me to pinpoint what it is. He’s the Alpha now and the woman on his arm smells a little like him. Her mark is also very prominent on her neck. I get it, mine is the same and I have no problem showing it off.

Showing off Todd’s mark? I wouldn’t, but to each their own.

“She’s not your former mate,” Tristan grits out through his teeth.

“Since you walked up, I’ve been trying to place who you all are,” Crew’s jovial mask is in place as he speaks, his tone giving an air of I don’t give a fuck. Somehow, I know he really means ‘don’t fuck with me’; it’s entertaining as hell.

Apparently, subtext is not Todd’s strong suit because he puffs his chest up like he’s someone important. “I’m the Alpha of Waning Moon.”

“Oh,” Crew chirps and waves his hand like Todd is an annoying house fly.

Not far off.

“And this is my Luna, Nia,” Todd’s voice is slimy and filled with expectation. It’s like he’s expecting me to break down or something.

It’s completely ridiculous.

I glance at both Beta couples, and it paints quite a picture. My parents are looking at me with longing. I can clearly see the regret in Samuel’s eyes. Kathy, though, looks just as cruel as she did before. I’m pretty sure she’d try and attack me if we weren’t surrounded by the strongest wolves from across the country.
