Page 33 of Bonded Beyond Lies

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When I’m inside my mate I lose track of time. It has no meaning. How could it when I’m caught in a moment of pure bliss and contentment?

As we come together, our names are whispered prayers on our lips. Praise to the Moon Goddess soars from our souls. She brought us together, even though there were obstacles, and we will never forget that through our connection we have found her blessing.



The full moon is shining down on us as peace settles around the Blood Rising Pack. This is my second full moon in the pack and a special night for another reason. Tonight, I officially became the Luna of my pack. A pack that took me in when I thought I would always be an outcast and has shown me more love and respect than I could have ever dreamed of.

I am one lucky female and as I look up at the moon, whose grace gives us our power, I’m reminded of just how far I’ve come. It wasn’t long ago that I didn’t know what life had in store for me. I was afraid and pain was a constant companion. I was always looking over my shoulder and waiting for the next incident that would make me feel like I was less than.

It feels like so long ago now, but it really wasn’t. Time has flown since leaving Waning Moon and I have amassed so many happy memories in such a short time. I know my life will be filled with many more and I can’t wait to experience it all.

I run a hand over my baby bump, the cheering of Blood Rising echoing around me as I look out over the crowd. There are only smiling faces, my pack members reflecting my joy back at me.

I vow to not take it for granted and to always strive to be the Luna this pack deserves, and they deserve nothing but the best. Tristan is practically bursting with pride and happiness as we stand in front of his pack, his hand wrapped around my waist and resting on my hip. He’s probably dying to touch my small bump but is holding himself back.

He has become the most devoted mate and sweetest male. He whispers to our pup every night, telling them about the pack, about how much they’re already loved, and how much my mate loves me. If I hadn’t already fallen in love with my Alpha, that would have done it for me.

“Blood Rising,” Tristan’s voice booms across the clearing where my Luna ceremony was performed under the light of the full moon. The pack howls at the moon in response and I can’t help but smile. “Thank you for coming to celebrate and welcome our new Luna, my mate Serenity.” More howls ring out and my wolf howls in my mind in chorus with her pack. “I have one more announcement before we start the Moon Run.”

I swear the entire pack takes a collective breath as my heart pounds in my chest.

Everything has been quiet since coming back from the Alpha meeting. It was eye opening to be on that side of things and start to learn about how alliances are made between packs and the tenuous connections between some packs while others are stronger. It was clear that Crew and Tristan are looked upon as being at the top of the hierarchy amongst the packs.

Waning Moon lost a lot of respect throughout the meeting and the opening reception was not the only time they made themselves look weak and incompetent. I decided, considering how things were looking for them, I’m not interested in revenge for what they did to me. It took some convincing to get my mate on the same page, but I can be very persuasive.

It’s amazing what sucking my mate’s cock and waiting until he’s a panting mess can do.

“Luna Serenity is carrying our first pup,” Tristan’s voice is filled with pride as he announces the happy news.

The pack goes wild, their howls blending into a sweet sound that has my heart warming and racing at the same time. The feeling of being right where I’m supposed to be settles over me. Tristan’s large hand cups my small bump as he turns me slightly and makes what I was hiding in my flowy dress very obvious.

Our new Alpha heir will be here soon.

Do you see how Alpha and Luna are glowing? I should have known she’s pregnant.

Alpha and Luna will be wonderful parents to their pup.

Tears well up in my eyes at the murmured response from the crowd that drift to me as they melt with the sound of my pack’s excited howls.

I clear my throat and hold up my hand and it doesn’t take long for my pack to quiet down. Their faces are expectant, open, and loving as they look at me. When a tear slips down my cheek, I wipe it away quickly, but I’m not worried about anyone viewing it as a weakness.

“I just wanted to take a moment before we lead the Moon Run to thank all of you. You have welcomed me into Blood Rising with open hearts and minds. You have shown me what the love of a pack truly means. I am so proud to be your Luna and I will always do my best to serve our great pack. We are powerful, but strength is not always about power. It is about welcoming those who you are wary of because it’s the right thing to do. It is about admitting when you misjudged and making it right.” A few she-wolves blush at my statement, but I’m not trying to call anyone out specifically and I hope they know that. “It is about leaning on each other when you are feeling weak and finding solace in the moments that make life worth living. That is where strength lies and the amount of strength I have seen in this pack since I’ve arrived takes my breath away. I stand not only by our Alpha, my mate,” I look up at Tristan to see his green eyes glassy, “but I stand by all of you as well.”

I brush another tear away as my wolves howl into the night. I join them a moment later and then Tristan’s does as well. Our howls at the moon blend and surge, dip and cascade. I swear I can feel the Moon Goddess wrap her arms around me, around all of us, and give us her blessing.

Tristan opens his mouth to start the Moon Run, but before he can say anything, a pack mind-link comes through. “Eastern border has been breached. Not rogues. They’re heading toward the clearing.”

Everyone freezes and Tristan holds his hands up, confidence wafting off him as he commands, “Don’t panic. Gather the children and start to move them toward the shelters along with the elderly. Work together. We will be fine. I have a feeling I know who has dared to cross into our territory and they will be taught a lesson.”

Some of the elderly work with the mothers of the pack to get the kids together and move toward the underground shelters. The largest one is under the packhouse, but there is another one closer to the clearing. A few warriors circle them, protecting them as they look around, alert and waiting to fight for their pack.

I’m a little surprised Tristan doesn’t command me to go with them, but when I look at my mate, he simply smirks down at me. I gasp in surprise when he kisses me hard, his tongue invading my mouth and dominating me until I’m weak in the knees and clinging to his shoulders.

I huff and mind-link him, “Is now really the time for this?”

Tristan laughs as my wolf purrs, assuring me the time is always right for kissing our mate. The horn-wolf hussy.
