Page 23 of Still Here

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Not at all.

My usually steady hands shake as I place the box in one hand, so I can pull the little black and white photo out with the other one and just stare at it.

“W-What?” I look up at her before glancing at the photo once again. “How?”

Kate lets out a nervous chuckle. “The old-fashioned way.”

I choke on my laughter. “I guess there is something to be said about that. How long?”

“Ten weeks. I found out last week.”

My throat tightens as I skim my thumb over the little black and white photo before gently placing it back in the box. I close the lid and wrap my free arm around Kate, burrowing my head in the side of her neck. “Dammit, Kate.”

A baby.

We are having a baby.

“You, okay?”

“Okay?” I pull back, my forehead pressing against hers. “I’m fucking ecstatic. We’re having a baby.” I run my hand up her back, cupping her neck as my mouth crashes over hers in a hard kiss. “I love you, Kate. So freaking much.”

“You don’t think it’s too early? There is so—”

“Hell, no.” I press my mouth against hers, stopping whatever she wants to say. “I love you. This is perfect. You are perfect. This is the best gift you could have given me, Kitty. I mean it.”

With one more kiss, I pull back and get to my knees so I’m at eye level with her still-flat stomach—a stomach that’s carrying our baby. Placing my hands at her waist, I lean in and kiss it too. “You’re going to be so loved, little one. So freaking loved.”


Looking up, I find tears falling down Kate’s cheeks. Lifting my hand, I brush them away. “You both are. Our little family.”

“Everybody will freak out when we tell them.”

“Nobody knows?”

Kate shakes her head. “Becky is suspecting for sure, but I didn’t want to say anything to anyone until I told you. I wanted you to be the first to know you’re going to be a dad.”

“A dad.” I just stare at her, that one word ringing in the quiet night. “I’m going to be a dad.” I didn’t even realize how much I actually wanted it. I mean, I knew I wanted to have kids with Kate one day, but it seemed like such an abstract thing. Something that’ll happen eventually, but now that it’s here, I couldn’t be happier.

“Thank you.” Pushing to my feet, I pull her into a hug, my hand slipping to her belly. “I want to go with you to your next appointment. What do you think we’re having?”

“In a month. I don’t know, and I don’t really care as long as the baby is healthy,” Kate rattles off, a big smile that matches mine shining on her face.

“I want a girl. With all that wild hair and big blue-violet eyes.”

Kate laughs. “And what if it’s a boy?”

“We’ll just have to keep on trying,” I wiggle my brows playfully. “One will have to be a girl, right?”

Her mouth falls open. “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, I’m serious.”

Making sure the box doesn’t fall out of my hand, I lift Kate into my arms and start toward our house.

“Emmett!” Kate giggles as she wraps her arms around my neck.

“As a matter of fact, I think we should start practicing now. Get a head start, just in case.”
