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“This is so perfect.”

“Shit, I’m convinced just from your reaction.” Elias chuckled and tried his own. He nodded as his brows crowded in. “Yeah, it’s on point.”


There was no way in hell my mother would allow us to have a moment that didn’t place her at center stage so she decided to bully her way into the spotlight under the guise of thinking of me.

“There has to be an engagement party. I can already imagine what a nightmare that will be with such short notice, but if I call in a few favors I’m sure I can make it happen. The wedding however, I’m not so sure about. We need to get started right away if there’s a chance in hell of securing a venue that meets expectations.”

My eyes fluttered closed and I inhaled as deeply as the pending frustration would allow but before I could respond to shut my mother down—because in no world would I ever allow her to plan this engagement dinner or wedding for me—Elias’s voice followed.

“We appreciate the offer but we already have a venue…”

“You do…” My mother sounded stunned and a little annoyed. The first blow to her immaculately laid plan to control my wedding.

My eyes peeled open and his were waiting, beseeching. “Yes, considering it’s short notice, I was thinking we could have the wedding on my family’s estate. We have plenty of options to consider as a venue. The rose gardens, the gazebo. The crystal ballroom inside. All of which would work.”

“That most certainly doesnotwork. With a guest list the size we’re expecting…”

“I don’t want a large wedding. Something small and intimate.” My tone was clipped when I addressed my mother but softened when I turned to Elias. “Your house will be fine.”

“What about ours?” my mother interjected. She needed a win. Elias wasn’t giving her one.

Okay maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.

“I’m not interested in using your house. Mine will be just fine or Cress can select another venue. I’ll do whatever necessary to make sure she gets what she wants.”


I tore my eyes away from the man across from me. The very sexy man who was full of surprises tonight. “That’s settled.”

“It seems it is. I’ll make a few calls to lock down a wedding planner then. One I can work closely with to make sure—”

“That won’t be necessary either. Cress deserves to have the wedding she wants. No matter the cost. I’m sure she’s more than capable of selecting a planner that meets her approval. One that she can work closely with to make sure the vision is hers and hers alone. If she decides to allow you to be a part of that process it will be a choice, not anexpectation.”

“That’s likely going to cost. It might work better if I reached out to a few people I know.”

Oh God does this woman ever quit.

Elias’s annoyed expression rounded to my mother. “If I couldn’t afford the expense, I wouldn’t have offered. I assure you, your daughter is marrying a man who can support anything her heart desires.”

My mother sucked in a sharp breath and clutched her imaginary pearls. She would never be caught dead in pearls so around her neck perfectly laid against smooth brown skin that matched mine was a four carat, pear-shaped solitaire diamond which hung on a platinum chain.

My siblings and I gifted it to her one year for Christmas after she selected it and sent us an email with a “just in case we were stumped on what to buy” note.

“Then I suppose the only thing left to discuss is how you plan to ensure my daughter is taken care of after she becomesyourwife. Have you considered a prenuptial? Clearly you can afford the finer things, so I’m sure it only makes sense that Cress can afford to maintain that type of lifestyle in the event that things don’t work between the two of you. One can never be too careful, especially since this is a marriage ofconvenience.”

My mouth dropped open and I was stunned. Was she really trying to push for my financial security on this man’s dime knowing that our family was just as established? We weren’t hurting for money.At all.

“If that’s what Cress wants then she and I will sit down and navigate the terms of that agreement. I plan on taking my vows very seriously so she won’t have to worry about being careful in our marriage. Either way, that’s a private matter between her and I.”

The energy sparking throughout the room was palpable. My mother jolted to her feet, lifting her purse and plastering on a smile.

She had nothing left. Clip was completely empty. All shots fired.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Elias. I thank you so much for such a wonderful meal.”

