Page 50 of Savage King

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That’s a shocking piece of news that I don’t know what to do with right now. I scrub a hand down my face and turn to Balor. “Any talk of themnothitting Koslov back? That’s what the fucking money was for. I financed his revenge.” And bought a wife I’m losing my mind over.

“It’s just business as usual over there.” Balor shakes his head. “Like…we didn’t hand over the money.”

“Where is the money?”

“Dante parked it in the Caymans.”

Ordinarily, that wouldn’t be suspicious. “And no unusually large weapons purchases made from any of his IP addresses?”


“That makes no fucking sense. Parisi is just sitting there, begging to be hit again.” Nothing is really clear to me so long as these idiots are screaming, and I’m choking on the smell. Balor drove himself in his batmobile, so I clap him on the shoulder and say, “I have plans later. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

I storm outside and into the sunshine, but the rotting wood of the docks nearby isn’t much of a relief from the putrid smell stuck in my lungs. Calder opens the car door for me and gets in next to me, while Waylon sits up front with Pete, the driver.

We’re back at the house, and I blow past Patricia, who’s talking on the phone with someone about repairing the dishwasher. With tonight’s guest list on my mind, and who I want to speak to at the fundraiser, I take a shower, quickly shave, and dress in my tux.

Ma used to help Da with his cufflinks. I’d sit on their bed and watch them when I was young. I used to think,how hard is it to put on a tuxedo? I realized years later, she just wanted to be close to him. They didn’t marry for love, but it turned into that.

Maybe it was all the fucking. Not that I want to think of my mother that way, but Jaysus, they had eight kids. After me, she could have moved to a bedroom of her own with a lock, telling Da he had his son and to leave her the hell alone. But they slept together every night because they fell in love.

Could I fall in love with Isabella the same way?

Something hits me as my brain catches up. I didn’t see Ma’s Cadillac in the driveway. Or Christian. My heart spikes as a feeling of terror passes through my soul, telling me something is wrong.

I storm down the hall, and without even knocking, I open the door to Isabella’s room. I don’t think of it as Shea’s anymore. “Isabella?” I call out, figuring she’s in the bathroom.

Maybe Christian’s filling up gas in the Caddy.

There isn’t even a hint of a recent shower. The towel hanging on the back of the door is damp, but that’s because humidity clings to everything as we round out August.

Summer in the City…That song’s lyrics ring in my ears.


Isabella had her online student meeting at a coffee bar in Manhattan. Checking the time, I see it’s after six p.m. I told her we were leaving at seven.

Wait…Did I?

“Tricia!” I roar, leaving Isabella’s room and shuffle down the steps.

“I’m here. What?” she whines with the phone is tucked into her shoulder.

“Where’s Isabella?”

Her face goes white as she mumbles into the phone, “I’ll call you back.” Fuck, she doesn’t know. “She left with Christian around one p.m.”

“They’re not back?” I grab my phone and look for Isabella’s phone number. I’ve not had to call it yet, so it’s buried.

“Should she be?” Tricia sounds surprised, and my heart skips a beat.

I stop scrolling. “What do you mean,should she be? I have that fundraiser tonight. You knew she was coming with me.”

Tricia folds her arms and glowers at me. “I might have a full head of gray hair, Kieran O’Rourke, but I’m not losing it. I don’t recall you telling me you planned to take Mrs. O’Rourke with you.”

Now we’re being formal, great.

I hate that I can’t go off on her because I’m not sure. “Youknew I was going.”
