Page 17 of Deal with the Devil

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Or flies to shit, which is why I want to rid myself of this obsession with Katya. If Griffin knows I’ve given up pleasures of the flesh, others do, too. After two years off the map, it’s time to restore my brutal reputation—and not quietly.

“Maybe you should stop coming here. Settle down like Ewan.”

Griffin nods with a smile. “Being an uncle is more fun. You’ll find out when Kieran’s twins are born.”

“Aye. Priscilla is pregnant, too.”

“She is?And I’m sending her out on shakedowns?” Griffin looks horrified.

“Riordan’s wife is a badass.”

“Crazy how all that went down, aye?” Griffin slaps my arm. “Marriage and kids aren’t for me. Not yet, anyway.”

“Aye,” I repeat. “Never.”

“Never? You don’teverwant to get married?”

“No.” I’m happy being alone. Secure. Nothing can hurt me. No one can be taken away from me if I don’t open my heart.

My throat tightens painfully when Katya comes to mind. I don’t want to think of her. Although, since she grabbed me, I still feel her touch on my skin. Finding out she’s leaving Astoria to pursue a dance education in London gives me peace to move on with my life. Forget about her.

“Is that Alexei Koslov?” Griffin tosses his blunt out the car window and looks around. “What in fuck’s sake is thepakhandoing at a strip club?”

I sit up and excitement pricks my nerve endings seeing a dozenbratoksin suits surrounding him. “Let’s go find out.”

With Griffin on my six, I strut over to a huddle of Russians who don’t make eye contact with me. I’m feared and well respected. Sergei, my oldcomrade, gives me a slight nod, not afraid to meet my eyes. Time to call in that favor from years ago when I agreed not to pummel Maksim in front of Alexei’s rich friends.

“What is your king doing here?” I ask Sergei.

“Bachelor party,” he says and hands me a lit cigarette.

I don’t need a drag to choke. “Alexeiis getting married?”

“No.” He points. “The guy putting his suit jacket back on is. He’s from Moscow.”

The guy looks drunk and disheveled, with his pants unbuckled and hanging off his hips. Fucking pieces of shite cheating on their fiancées with strippers makes me sick.

“How many strippers did he bang?”

“All of them.”

I feel dirty just looking at him. My brothers, Kieran and Riordan, had their share of women before they got married, but they’renotcheating dogs. Eoghan and I are never without female company. Well, before I gave it up. I have no clue what Balor is up to. He’s either a virgin or a Dom with twenty subs.

“Why is Alexei hosting a bachelor party?” I ask Sergei to get thoughts of my nerdy little brother with a whip out of my head.

“We’re asking ourselves that same question.” Sergei smashes his blunt under a polished shoe. “Especially since the scumbag is marrying his daughter.”

“Who’s marrying whose daughter?”

“Mr. Popular over there is marrying Alexei’s daughter.”

My brain is ready to explode.Stasia’s been found?And Alexei arranged for her to marry someone already? I’m gonna hold Balor’s head under water for not telling us. Yeah, he must be getting laid all the time.

“When did he find Stasia?” I ask.

Sergei turns toward me. “Stasia? We have no idea where she is. That creep is marrying Katya.”

A fiery rage like I’ve never felt before explodes behind my eyes, and I grab Sergei.“What?”
