Page 91 of Deal with the Devil

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“Maybe. My boss is a pain-in-the-arse control freak.”

I laugh, and whisper to my wife, “His twin sister is his boss.”


“Good to see you, Shane. I need to get Katya home.” I steer my little wife to Griffin’s car and put her in the backseat. My phone buzzes, and I answer, “Balor, I got Katya. She’s safe.”

“I heard. Good. You need to look at the video I just sent you.”

Assuming it’s the same one of me barreling toward the school being taken down by cops, I say, “I saw it. Delete it.”

“It’s going viral. Kieran’s bird will be at the Harbor Helipad in an hour. You’re instructed to get on it and go straight to Michigan. He wants you to lie low.”

Ironic, since I wanted to take that bird to Michigan on my wedding day, but it was pulled from me. Katya and I are both hurt. I don’t want a long whiny trip across three states.

“I’ll take the bird. But I’m going to the Hamptons. Shea’s got plenty protection.” I hired them. “I spoke to her, and she’s got a place for me to stay.” I know when to follow orders and when to bitterly argue that no one tells me what to do.

It’s not about me anymore. My wife is shaking and needs a place to relax, heal, and feel safe. That ocean sound wave machine lets both of us sleep well. Real waves will do wonders.

I kiss Katya gently on the cheek. “Want to go convalesce in East Hampton with me?”



Earsringing,andmymind a whirl, I give in to being herded around by my husband.

He killed yet one more person for me. Like nothing happened, he struts through his house, shirtless, with his arm bandage soaked in blood like it doesn’t bother him. All while I’m falling apart.

I’m not built for this world.

I stand in the middle of the bedroom where I’ve kept my clothes, because Lachlan doesn’t have bureau space for two people. For a Neanderthal, he’s also a clothes horse.

The Hamptons… He’s taking me to East Hampton where I’ll meet his sister.

“Little wife, are you all right?” His voice sounds out from the doorway.

I glance at the stand-up cheval mirror and realize I haven’t moved. I’m not changed, I’m not packed. And I’m certainly not all right.

Warm hands press down on my shoulders. “Let’s get you out of these rehearsal clothes. They’re full of blood.”

Fingers deftly tug down the tiny cap sleeves of the leotard. It’s stretchy enough to loosen around my arms. Lachlan rolls the bodice down my body, ignoring my bare breasts. He cares for me like I’m a child, and I don’t like that. I don’t want him to see me weak like this.

Pressing on his hands, I say, “I got it. I’ll meet you in the living room.”

The shakiness of my voice straightens him to his full height, and for a moment, I’m frightened of him. He says nothing, though.

“What?”I snap, feeling ready to collapse.

He draws a hand toward my face, and I muster every ounce of strength not to flinch. My brain assures me he’s not going to hit me. My heart knows he’llneverhit me. A finger lands on my cheek, and he swipes across a line that imitates his scar.

The pad of his finger drips with my tears. “Does that answer your question? Katya, you’re crying, and you don’t even know it. You’re traumatized. Your mind and your body aren’t in sync.”

I gently touch the scar on his left cheek. “Trauma. Were you traumatized when this happened?” I say softly, standing in the middle of the room with just a pair of thin panties, one side wedged in my ass. I don’t have the energy to pull it out. I should change them. I’m pretty sure I peed myself once. Or twice. I’m sure I stink, but Lachlan seems completely unaffected by my disheveled appearance.

He sits on the bed I never slept in, because from the very first night, I wanted to sleep with him. We’re eye level when he talks. “Aye. It was my very first kill, and it wrecked me. I wasn’t always like this. I wasn’t always this cold and ruthless.”

“Do you want to talk about it? That day?” I need to think about something else or I’ll completely collapse.
