Page 27 of Treasuring Michael

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He glances up at me shyly, then pulls his suitcase into the room. I try not to look, but when he turns his back to slide under the blankets, my eyes drop to his ass. It’s a nice, tight ass peeking from the bottom of those shorts. My eyes snap back up when he turns suddenly, having caught me ogling him. As I thought, he turns red, and pulls the blanket over his body.

“These are the only things I own like this. I wanted to be … more me.”

“What do you mean?”

He yawns again—this one looking like it hurts his jaw with how wide it is—and pulls his glasses off. “Can we talk when we wake up? I can’t keep my eyes open long enough to get into that conversation.”

Nodding, I sit beside him on the edge of the bed and rub a thumb over his cheek. “Anything you want, Damon. I’ll set an alarm for you. And watch over you while you rest.”

His eyes are already drifting shut. I stand to go to the living room to keep watch—even though there’s no danger here—when his slim fingers close around my wrist. “Hold me, please? I thought we were napping together.”

It seems like his words activated something in me and my eyes suddenly feel heavy. I’m also very aware of the fact that I’ll be holding Damon, his body against mine, while he’s wearing the small scraps of clothes. I will my dick to not get hard when all I want him to do is get some rest. My blue balls will be fine. I can take care of myself in the shower later.

“Yeah, okay, baby.”

Damon smiles up at me, making me feel like I won a million bucks. Climbing over him, I tuck myself under the blanket, then Damon pastes himself to my chest. I reach over and grab my phone, setting an alarm for two hours. That should be enough time for us to rest and still be able to sleep tonight.

“I’m glad you’re here, Michael.” Before I can respond, I hear his light snores.

Kissing his forehead gently, I settle him better against my chest and close my eyes, sleep claiming me.

I’m awake before the alarm sounds, but I let Damon sleep. I spend the time running my hand up and down his back, looking at his braids and trying to visualize how he did them. I know it’ll be hard to learn in two weeks, but I’m excited for him to show me something new. Something that will help us bond, maybe.

The smile stretching across my face because I woke with Damon in my arms will probably be a permanent fixture. The reality is so much better than the fantasy. The warmth of his skin against mine is comforting and puts me more at ease than I knew I needed to be.

I kiss his hair, pulling him closer until he’s almost on top of me. He stirs, then blinks open his eyes slowly. His sleepy grin warms my chest and I can’t help bringing him closer, kissing him. Damon moans into my mouth and opens for me without prompting. Sliding my hands down to his thighs, I pull him up my body so he can straddle my lap. There, I hold him close and kiss him slowly and thoroughly.

We’ve only kissed a few times, but I know I’ll never get tired of it. Even though he’s inexperienced, his mouth is eager, and he doesn’t hesitate to follow my lead.

It’s hard, but I keep my hands on his thighs, though I’m itching to squeeze the tight globes of his ass. I don’t want to rush him into anything though. His first kiss was last night. I’m sure he’s not ready to take things further just yet.

The blaring of my alarm has Damon jumping, breaking our kiss.

I run my hand down his face, his wide eyes endearing me to him. “Did you get enough sleep?”

“Yes. You’re my favorite pillow now. That’s three times I’ve fallen asleep on you.”

“I think I like that.”

Rolling off me, Damon sits up and stretches and I appreciate the way his body curves and flexes. Everything about Damon is mesmerizing and I could watch him eating cereal and not get tired of it.

Following his lead, I sit up and stretch as well, then throw my legs over the side of the bed. “What do you want to do now?” I ask him.

“Right now, or while we’re here?” Damon asks.

I glance over my shoulder and see he’s facing away from me. I don’t like it. Spinning around on the bed, I move behind him and pull him back until he’s leaning against my chest. Damon sighs, resting his hands atop mine.

Kissing his neck, I nuzzle against him and say, “Both.”

I feel Damon tense up. “Anything cheap or free, honestly. I only have about two hundred bucks until I get paid in two weeks.”

“Why?” I ask before I can think better of it.

Velli Corp is a lucrative business. Even an entry level developer brings in high five figures a year. Even if the new CEO changed things up, the pay cut wouldn’t be so much that he would be without money when I’m sure he just got paid.

Voice trembling, Damon says, “I have to pay my stepfather back for my tuition. So, most of my money goes to that. I keep enough to make my car payment, car insurance payment, and anything else I might need.”

That’s fucked up. What kind of parent makes their kid pay them back for college? Even if a parentdidrequire it, taking most of their paycheck and leaving them with barely enough to survive? That’s fucking brutal.
